CH 13: Recovering

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Ember's POV

I watched as Gothi checked out my wound cleaning it and applying herbs. My dad stood at the window watching the village. Eli was out in the hall with our dragons and my mother showed up a couple of hours ago stood in the corner eyeing my dad wondering what he was thinking.

"We need to stop Drago. This needs to end." He started.

"I know." I replied coolly.

Gothi wrapped clean bandages around my chest and walked out smiling.

"We have to take the battle to him!" He slammed his fist on the window ledge.

"Knew that already." I scoffed.

"I'm done with his games!" He said angrily.

"I don't think they're games." My mother pointed out.

"Dad!" I yelled getting his attention. "I need to tell you something!"

He sat himself at the end of the bed, "What is it?"

"When I was..." I began cautiously. "Unconscious I was surrounded by a white light. I'm pretty sure it was Valhalla. Anyway fog swirled around me and a figure came out of the mist."

"Who was it?" He asked grabbing my hand.
"It was...Grandpa Stoick..." I murmured.

"Dad????" He asked and I nodded slowly as tears filled his eyes. "How did you know it was him?"

"I could see the worry in his eyes as he recognized me. Like he saw you inside me. I felt the same way when I saw him. I could see you inside of him." I explained.

"The heart of a chief and the soul of a dragon..." He whispered.

I nodded understanding.

"We need to kill Drago. Only then it will all be over." I said determined.

"Are you saying what I think you're saying?" My dad asked.

"We must go to war..." I murmured.

"Meeting in the Great Hall!" Dad shouted from the window then turned to us. "Gather everyone!"

He ran out the door. With the help of Rain I stood up slowly and got on her so she could carry me around the village. She pushed open the doors of the Great Hall and I was greeted by the whole village cheering and roaring for me.


We went up to the center with my dad as he quieted everyone down.

"Drago is alive! We plan to go to war with him! This ends! I want everyone to be on high alert and be ready for battle on any day. Anytime. Now once he comes here which he probably will. I want the riders to be hidden on the cliff tops. The warriors will hide in the village and the forest. Children and elderly will be in the hangar protected by a few men and at least two riders. Ember and I will be leading the riders to destroy the ships!" My dad yelled.

"She's not even fit to lead!"

"Yeah! She can't stand up on her own!"

I glared at the crowd, "Drago still has to rebuild his army! Thanks to me I bought Berk a few years in peace!"

"My plan is final!" My dad called out.

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