CH 10: Celebration

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Eli's POV

Oh man. She's even more beautiful than when she "died". I can't wait to ask her out. I'm so nervous. I bounced up and down on my heels in the cove. Storm snorted with a dragon laugh.

"Shush you." I scolded, grinning.

He whacked me with his tail.

"Ouch! What was that for?!" I yelled.

He showed me his gummy smile and I turned away so he couldn't see me grimace in "anger".

"There you are!" Ember shouted landing Rain in the cove. "I've been looking for you!"

She jumped off and Rain ran over to Storm.

"Hey what's Storm doing here?" She asked.
"He's my dragon..." I smiled with pride.

"What? Really? When? How?" She asked laughing a little stepping closer to me.

"It happened not long after you so called died. Once everyone went back to their normal duties training continued and I got the honor to train the dragon. Astrid had the brilliant idea of using Storm because he hadn't had a rider yet. We instantly felt the connection. It's like we were meant to be together. I felt-" He trailed off.

"The spark..." She finished.

I nodded stepping closer and closer to her.

"Listen Ember. I've been wanting to tell you something for a LONG time..." I started.

"Yeeeeeeaaaaaaahhhh?" She asked raising an eyebrow.

"When you were gone it tore me apart. And to tell you the truth I was going to ask you something but then...." I trailed off again.

"Are you going to ask me out?!" She asked crossing her arms.

I nodded hesitantly.

"Soooooo will" I asked shuffling my feet.

Storm made a laughing noise again.

She walked close raising my chin with her fingers and hugged me.

"Of course I will!" She murmured into my ear.

My cheeks flushed with heat as she pulled away.

Ember's POV


"My dad said something about a party." I smiled grabbing his hand walking over to our dragons. "Come on! I'll race you there!" I called jumping on Rain flying towards the village.

I landed on the steps of the Great Hall and opened the doors letting Rain go through first. Storm and Eli land moments later and we walk through hand in hand.

People gasp at the sight of me and Eli together.

My dad smiles and eyes me. I shook my head and we walked up standing next to my dad.

"Everybody! I'd like to make an announcement!" My father started. "Ember and Rain are not dead! They're very much alive!"

I blushed as the crowd cheered.

The dragons roared in excitement.

"Come on let's go see our friends!" I whispred into Eli's ear.

We ran down the steps and stopped in front of our usual table.

"Hey guys! How's it been?!" I asked.

Bufflout snorted, "Easy for you to say! Eli got to train the dragon and he gets a freaking Night Fury! And he got the girl! The day you get back!"

"Nice to see you too buddy!" I exclaimed before turning to Bearlegs. "Any new dragons while I was gone?"

He shook his head, "Did you find any?!"

"Quite a few! I wrote all the information I could find on them. The papers are in Rain's saddle bag." I said excitedly.

He nodded.

I looked at the twins, Gruff and Duff. "I assumed you two got a Zippleback?! How's blowing stuff up been?"

"Pretty sure your dad got a headache everyday because of us. Every once in a while we'd give him a break though." Duff explained.

"Good I'm glad. Sort of...." I muttered.

"It was great! We've lost a lot of dragon races because of this moron!" Gruff added punching Duff sending her to the ground.

I smiled sitting down with Eli knowing I was home once again.

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