CH 6: Plan

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Ember's POV

I sat up scooting back against the wall in the cell. I needed a plan. I looked at my armour my dad made a few years ago. My fire sword he also made for me was still on my leg.


I stood up igniting my fire sword and sliced through the metal bars of the cell. I opened the gate and stepped through.

Where is Rain?

"Control her!" Drago yelled.

Follow the voices.

I cautiously peered around the corner to see Drago standing in front of Rain pointing his staff at her.

"Why won't she listen to me?!" He shouted in frustration.

He walked away slamming his staff at the side of the ship. The guards chained Rain up again and left. I crept out from the hidden corner and went to Rain. I sliced through the chains and climbed on. I put away my fire sword.

"Let's go..." I whispered.

Rain took off into the clouds flying towards Berk.

"Wait...blow up the lead ship. Please." I mumbled to Rain.

She dove down firing at the lead ship and soared into the clouds towards Berk.

"Glad to have you back girl!" I laid down on her neck holding on tight giving me comfort.

She purred.

The sun rose over the sky as Berk came into view.

"Home..." I murmured.

I smiled as Rain landed in front of the arena. The gates were open and I heard voices.

"We have to go get her! Toothless and I will turn ourselves in and he'll let them go! If not we'll escape together!" My father exclaimed.

I stepped from the shadows with Rain behind me crossing my arms, "That won't be necessary."

My father turned around and everyone's jaws dropped. He ran to me embracing me in a hug spinning me around.

"Can't...breathe..." I gasped for air.

He put me down, "You're alive! You escaped! How?!"

My mom hugged me, "How?!"

"Idiots didn't search me for weapons. Thanks to the awesome fire sword you made me I sliced through the metal bars and chains! Dad Drago's alive! He wants Toothless!" I exclaimed.

"I know we were just coming to get you!" My dad said.

"It would've been a trap! He's coming! Drago's a few hours flight from here! That Bewilderbeast is still alive!" I yelled. "We have to do something!"

"In time Ember. Right now we need to form a plan." My dad said.

I grunted in frustration kicking dirt on the arena floor. I stared at the floor for a second then I snapped my fingers, an idea in my head.

"What if you and I turn ourselves in then we blow the ships from the inside. You can get the Bewilderbeast on our side right?!" I ask.

He nodded thinking about my idea.

My mother steps up, "Whoa there. Both of you can't just go! We'll all go!"

My father turned to my mom, "We can't. He only knows about Toothless and Rain. He only wants us anyway. Mostly me. You'll hide on a nearby island with the other dragon riders and when you hear our signal you come out."

My mother nodded slowly and my dad and I got ready for our plan.

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