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Rosey returned three weeks ago, the house is less boring and empty than before. Farha learned from Rosey that Hisham left for a business trip which is good news, really good news.

She has the house to herself, well they, now that Rosey is back.

Rosey filled Farha in about her holdings which Farha couldn't help but be a little bit envious. She got to have to do much fun.

She sighed stepping into the house mumbling a Tasleema. She just return from a very long tiring lecture plus Raihan's usual annoyance.

The aroma urged Farha to the kitchen meeting Rosey cooking as expected.

"Hey, you!"

"Sup girl! You look drained" Rosey giggle earning a glare.

"Tell me about it"

She walked herself to the counter settling down. "I'm super hungry, please tell me you're almost done"

"Yeah! All done"

She sighs in relief, Rosey proceeding to serve her with stroganoff and spaghetti, filling her cup with a watermelon chiller. Without wasting any second, she dived in.

Farha hasn't had anything to eat since the potato soup she made last night. She woke late for her lectures so she didn't get any time to eat, though Rosey tossed her an apple as she scurried off for school.

Funny she ended up late too, she cursed, hissed, mentally yelled, whatnot coz Mr. Abdul-Salam is a strict pain the a**

Farha emptied every bit of the food before she headed upstairs to freshen up and get some rest.

Sleep is one thing she hasn't been getting enough of these days, with tests approaching, she needed to level up so most times she stays up late at night to study and end up being for school the next day but in some way it's worth it.

Hibba has been sick these days, nothing serious though. Malaria the usual, Farha made a mental note to visit later in the day or maybe tomorrow coz it's almost six. Certainly, Hibba could have her fed to the dogs if she doesn't visit.

Well y'all know, over-dramatic plus sensitive person Hibba could be.

She dressed into something comfortable diving straight onto the bed for her much-needed nap and just like a blur she slipped into LaLa land.


Y'all know that say curiosity kills the cat? Well, it sure will be the end of Farha. She woke up minutes away from Magrib, since then she's been watching the usual Netflix.

She got bored after praying Isha so she decided to take a stroll within the house. Farha thought to stop by Rosey's section but thought against it, Rosey had a long day she needed the rest.

Well, I don't where exactly she got the thoughts of going back to Hisham's study room, yeah! You heard Right.

It's not like he's around, so there's nothing to worry about. She'll smoothly go in and take, well steal but Farha doesn't want to accept that way, it's rather taking not stealing, or maybe borrowing. Aha! Lending it to have a read and satisfy her curios mind then return it tomorrow, she could stay up all night and read it, she's a fast reader.

Plus tomorrow's Saturday, so she isn't bothered about getting less sleep.

Unfortunately, the study room was locked. Great! Besides Hisham isn't that dumb enough to leave it open again, not after what happened the other time.

Ugh! Why does he have I be smart?

Room, she may find something in there. Maybe something connected to that diary. She grins heavenly heading for his room.

As expected the room wasn't locked, well why would he lock his room anyway?

Umm...coz he has a Snoopy person for a wife.

That's her conscience, it's always against her.

She crept open the door his masculine scent hitting her nostrils. How could a man be this clean, it's insane. Every item is kept neatly and orderly just at the right spot.

Wait a second, this isn't how the room was the other time she was here. He must have changed it, well she shouldn't expect less from him.

It though as if she possessed some kinda disease or virus that could kill if he comes in contact with anything that had to do with her.

Crazy he hugged her the other day. About that hug, she still couldn't wrap her head around it, why did he do it? What changed all of a sudden.

He's just so hard to figure out, why is that?

She searched almost everywhere but all she saw were paperwork contracts, clothing any manly stuff count it in. Some guy could shop in his closet if you were to ask her.

Huffing in annoyance she walks her way out of the closet but stops by an isolated cabinet cut her attention urging her right to it.

"Look what we have here" She mutters to herself.

She pulls it open, photo frames, papers, diaries crashing right on her. She coughed at the amount of dust she inhale.

Gosh! She hopes her allergies don't kick in, who is she kidding, its definitely going to come between her and her beauty sleep today.

Allergic rhinitis.

She knees down picking the first frame coming in view with the person on it, just in time she hears the main door of the room shutting closed.

Oh, no.


This is when you know it's over for you😂

Well well lemme comman be going, I don't even want to know what's going to happen to her☹️😩😂😂🏃🏃🏃


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