Interns to the slaughter

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SMG4 was back in the castle, standing atop the main staircase as he overlooked his friends hanging out. He put his fist to his mouth and cleared his throat.

SMG4: Ahem!

Everyone turned to him. Now having their attention, SMG4 began his announcement.

SMG4: Everyone. I am sad to inform you that my longtime assistant, Mustilidae Speckler, will soon be retiring.

Meggy: Wait, you have an assistant?

SMG4: Yeah.

Bob: BrUh, SiNcE wHeN?!

SMG4: For like, the last seven years.

Saiko: And you didn't bother ever telling us?

SMG4: Look, that's not important, what is important is that we're gonna be hosting job interviews for the next couple of days. I want you all to be on good behavior. Especially you, Mario!

Mario: Oi! I'm the best behaved out of all of you! When have I ever done something wrong?

SMG4: Do you want that number in thousands or millions?

Mario: Mamafucker!

SMG4: Anyways, carry on with whatever it is you're doing.

He turned away and headed into another room where Speckler was sitting at a desk, reading the newspaper.

SMG4: Alright then, did you promote the job opening?

Speckler: Of course I did. Look right here!

He showed him the newspaper he was reading, which had an advertisement for the job offering.

SMG4: Please tell me that wasn't the only thing you advertised this on?

Speckler: Of course not, I put it online too, as you requested.

SMG4: Oh good. For a second I thought we were screwed.

He pulled out a chair and sat beside his assistant.

SMG4: All we need to do now is wait until the applicants come rolling in.

One day later

Not a single person had shown up for the job interview. SMG4 slammed his hands on the desk as Speckler sipped some coffee.

SMG4: Where is everyone?!

Speckler: Well, we do have to consider this is you, you want people to work for.

SMG4: Point made. Hmm... Looks like I'm gonna have to use some of my advanced marketing skills to get people to work here.

Speckler: And that is?

SMG4: ...


SMG4 slapped a bunch of posters all over the city that said: "Internships with Elon! Job possibly not included."

SMG4: Another job well done!

After a few hours, they'd received several applications for internships.

SMG4: Woohoo! Look at all these interns, it's like an all you can eat buffet of them!

Speckler: You know in the end, only one will get the job.

SMG4: Well, best we start thinning the herd.

He raised his owen gun and cocked it.

Speckler: Try not to whittle their numbers down too quickly, boss.

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