Toadsworth's heart attack

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Twas a... relatively peaceful day in the Mushroom Kingdom-


Oh come on! Now the damn hospital is on fire! Why is it every time I- Wait, where was I again? Ah, yes.

At Peach's castle, SMG4 was having a lunch break, chatting it up with his assistant as he too, had the hour off.

"So, are all my taxes taken care of?" SMG4 asked.

"Yep, it's all taken care of," Aeris stated, "Though in your tax letters, there was some random note written in red about how you owe-"

"Oh don't worry about that, that's just from Bob. He keeps sending me these to try and convince me to make a plushie out of him."

"Well why don't you just-"

SMG4 suddenly grabbed the inkling by the collar and put a finger to his mouth.

"Shush!" he ordered him. "Or else we're both fucked."

"Why is tha-"

Aeris suddenly saw, staring from the window behind SMG4, was Shigeru Miyamoto himself. In his hand he held a large hammer labeled: cease and desist.

"R-right... Got it. No Bob plushie"

The Nintendo developer then disappeared as he said the words. Just then, they heard a loud yelp and a thud from where the main entrance to the castle was. Spinning around, they found Toadsworth on the ground, having fallen.

"Oh my goodness, is he alright?" Aeris asked.

SMG4 ran down the stairs, about to check on the old man, only for him to suddenly hear:

"Ow... Why is the floor so slippery there?" the old Toad asked, groaning in pain.

"Are you okay, Toadsworth?" SMG4 asked, kneeling down to get to his level.

"Of course I'm fine, you little whippersnapper!" he barked back, stumbling up to his feet using his cane, "I just want to know what is wrong with the entrance?!"

Aeris suddenly piped in: "Well, Peach ordered Mario to clean the floors today. If I recall correctly, Mario only scrubbed the floor by the front entrance with soap, but he got bored and left."

Toadsworth raised his cane angrily upon hearing that: "Hmph! Boy, when I get my hands on that fat freeloader, I'll..."

SMG4 raised his hands, motioning for him to calm down.

"Toadsworth, remember, if you get too worked up, your heart will-"

"My heart's fine! It's been trying to kill me for the last 20 years! You might as well call it the world's worst murderer! Nothing can stop-"

Toadsworth suddenly froze in place, his eyes widening as his cane fell out of his hand.

"Toadsworth?" SMG4 asked, walking up to him and giving him a gentle prod with his finger. The old man then tipped over and fell on the ground, completely immobile.

"Oh squid!" Aeris exclaimed, "I think he's had a heart attack!"

"Oh crap! Uhhh..." the Youtuber said worriedly as he knelt down to look at the body.

"I'll call the hospital." Aeris stated.

Grabbing his phone, he dialed in the number.

"Hello?! 911? Someone's just had a heart attack, we need an ambulance!"

To his shock, the monotone voice on the other end simply replied with:

"Thank you for calling 911. Unfortunately, our medical staff is experiencing some... infrastructural issues."

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