The New Guy

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Aeris exited St Fungi's city airport in the Mushroom Kingdom. After having gone through all the necessary steps of accepting the admission to Omnia Academy, he paid up the last of his rent he owed, before packing his bags and taking a flight all the way to the Mushroom Kingdom.

As he walked out into the pickup zone, he was busy making a call to someone back home.

Aeris: No, Dad. I'm not gonna make this stay permanent. Yeah, I told Mom. Yes, I have a plan to get a job. I got a letter of recommendation from one of my old teachers. It's for some accounting firm in the city. When do I start classes? In a few days. I'll call you when I'm settled down, alright? My job interview is at 1 PM. Bye!

He hung then hung up. After looking around, he saw a cab driving by.

Aeris: Taxi!


Sitting in the back seat of a cab, Aeris calmly waited as the driver drove through the streets of the city. He stared out of the car window in awe, taking in the scenery of the tall buildings they drove past. The driver, Jeeves the talking fork, looked up at the rear view mirror briefly.

Jeeves: So, you're from Inkopolis, eh? How's life there?

Aeris: Well... It's a nice city. Though there were a lot of crazy things happening, what with ink battles starting in the middle of the streets... I'm glad to be away from the craziness now.

Jeeves laughed a little.

Jeeves: Haha... What naiveness you youngsters have.

Aeris: Pardon?

There was suddenly a loud noise outside.

Jeeves: Oh bollocks, they're at it again.

Aeris: What's going on out there?

Jeeves: Hold on!

Aeris: Huh? WHOA-

Jeeves made a sudden, sharp turn, narrowly avoiding an incoming rocket that flew past them.

Aeris: Ah!? What is happening?! Is there a war here?!

Jeeves: No, just that obese Italian is at it again.

Aeris: The who?

Jeeves: No need to worry, it looks like he's not on this street. Wait, do you hear that?

Aeris stopped to listen. He could hear the sound of... Chugging. Like a train. And along with it played a tune the lyrics of which however were simply one single word sung over and over:

Aeris: Pingas?


Aeris: Huh?

He was suddenly slammed to the side as a train with Dr Eggman's face ran into the. Mario stood atop it, waving his arms as he was enjoying the ride.

Aeris/Jeeves: AHHH!!


Mario: Weehee!!

The car was sent spinning out of control, hitting the side of a building with a crash. After a few minutes, Aeris soon regained his bearings. That was when he saw his backpack had been flung out of the car, scattering his belongings out on the ground.

Aeris: Oh no. No no no!

Quickly unbuckling his seatbelt, he got out of the cab and hurriedly tried to pick up his belongings and shove them back into his backpack.

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