Three little dumbasses

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Twas another peaceful day in the Mushroom Kingdom-


If it weren't for the little bitchass called SMG4, DO YOU HAVE TO DO THIS EVERY TIME I TRY AND SAY THAT LINE?! Sigh Anyways, said bitchass was currently having a seizure in his room at the castle. Aeris was busy rattling the handle outside, shouting:

"Boss! Are you okay? Hang in there, I'll be there in a moment!"

He backed up a little, before running forward and slamming himself against the door with the full weight of his body. Unfortunately, it wouldn't budge.


Mario suddenly walked up the stairs, confused.

"Ay! What are you doing?" he asked.

"SMG4 seems to be having another heart attack, but he's locked the door," Aeris explained.

"Again? Step aside, let the Mario deal with it,"

He quickly shoved the inkling aside, as he knocked on the door, shouting:


Unsurprisingly, SMG4 just kept screaming, as they heard loud crashing throughout the room. Grumbling, Mario backed up as well, as he began ramming himself against the door. It still wouldn't budge though!

Saiko suddenly ran up and stopped Mario.

"Stop, you're not doing it right. Aeris, grab his legs," she told the inkling.

"Uh, okay?"

The plumber's eyes jumped wide open.

"WHA?!" he gasped.

Saiko grabbed him by the torso and Aeris did so by the legs, as they pointed his head at the door.

"I'm sorry about this, Mario," the inkling apologized.

"I'm not," Saiko added, smirking.


Using him as a battering ram, they slammed his head against the door, knocking it off its hinges. Before them was SMG4, lying on the ground and frothing from the mouth.



Aeris and Saiko both dropped Mario, letting him hit the ground with a thud.

"OOF! Mama-mia..."

The inkling rushed over to his boss, kneeling down to him as he began shaking him.

"Boss! Snap out of it! Hentai has been banned in Australia! YOU'RE FREE, BOSS!"

After some coaxing, SMG4 finally regained his senses, allowing Aeris to drop him again. By now, the rest of the gang had gathered in the room, confused.

"SMG4, what is going on? Are you okay?" Tari asked.

"Did you get canceled?" Mario questioned.

"No... worse... LOOK!" the Youtuber exclaimed, pointing at his desk.

They all turned to see what he was pointing at. There was nothing there. Literally. His computer had vanished into thin air.

"I-it's been s-s-stolen..."

Aeris patted him on the back, looking around at everyone, trying to communicate with just his eyes:

"I have no idea what to do in this situation."


The police had arrived and were busy investigating the situation. The chief of police, the Hall Monitor, was filling in SMG4 in on the details.

SMG4: The Good, the Bad and the CrazyHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin