Mario's pest control

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SMG4 was sitting at his desk, busy going over some GLITCH show scripts he had been forwarded. As he had finished with the first PDF, Luigi suddenly walked in.

"Hey, Glitchy? Does anything seem weird to you?" the green plumber asked.

"Not really, why?" questioned the Youtuber.

"Um, come with me..."

He led the blue Mario recolor to the main room of the castle. The only people there were Toad, who was busy sweeping the floor.

"No one's here aside from him. I looked everywhere..." Luigi explained to him.

"... Eh, it's probably nothing," SMG4 said, waving it off, "They're probably all hanging out somewhere. And Aeris has a day off today, so no worries there-"

Mario burst into the room, looking around confused with his phone.

"Where's'a da pizza order?!" he questioned.

"Okay, now it's serious, I ordered a pineapple in that one, and I'm not about to-"

Mario and Luigi both stared at him with disgust. Glancing at the two, SMG4 shot back with:

"I like it, okay?!"

The red plumber simply grumbled, as he went to the front door to check for it. As he attempted to open the door however, he was shocked to find that it wouldn't open. Panicking, he began to rattle the knob furious.

he screamed. Hearing his screams, SMG4, Toad and Luigi rushed over to him.

"Wha?! We're trapped in here!" Luigi gasped.

"Oh calm down, pansy. We've always got the window," Toad told him, before muttering to himself, "If those fatsos can fit through it."

There was suddenly a loud crash, as Bowser crashed through the roof with his clown car.

"Argh!" he let out as he hit the ground.

"It's ma boi, gay Bowser!" Mario exclaimed.

"Ow..." the koopa king groaned as he got up to his feet, before looking at his badly damaged vehicle, "That's gonna take forever to fix..."

"Here to steal the princess again?" asked Toad.

"I was about to. But when I flew over the castle, they shot me down."

"Who?" SMG4 questioned.

"Them," Bowser answered, pointing out the window.

The five all turned to the window, and were all taken aback when they spotted an entire army standing outside the castle, their weapons all aimed at the castle. Princess Peach stood on top of a tank, as she observed the troops in position.

"Hey! It's'a Princess Bitch!" Mario exclaimed, as opened the window and grabbed onto the ledge. A gunshot suddenly rang out, the plumber's hat was knocked off his head, causing him to panic and duck down behind the wall.

"Whoa!" the group gasped, as they all ducked for cover.

"Damn it, I missed!" Swagmaster cursed.

"That was supposed to be a warning shot, you dumbass!" Chris retorted.

"Attention Mario and everyone else who is still in the castle!" Peach suddenly announced using a megaphone, "As you can see, the building is currently on lockdown. I recently found out that I have a vermin infestation in the basement, and we are making sure nothing gets out. Any questions?"

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