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Aeris walked into the hotel lobby, his arms still packed with all the stuff Speckler had given, which were mostly just boxes of ammo.

Mario, Tari, Bob and Boopkins were hanging out together in the lobby. As they watched Aeris walk in, they stared at him confused.

"Uh, assistant guy, what are you carrying?" Boopkins asked.

"Um... A textbook?" Aeris replied awkwardly.

The fishman squinted his eyes as he gave him a suspicion filled stare... only to quickly drop it as he said:

"Eh, okay."

He then proceeded to get back to trading cards with Bob, allowing Aeris to quickly rush over to a coffee table and drop everything down on it before he did so anywhere else. Unfortunately, the pistol was not a member of that 'everything', and thus, it fell to the ground, causing the last bullet, that had been jammed in there the entire time, to go off.




Everyone hit the ground as the bullet flew by, flying up through the ceiling and right into the room above. An old man was lying in bed, attempting to seduce a carton of eggs.


Pardon me, apparently a dozen means a single one in this case. As he attempted to seduce his carton of egg, the bullet flew through the mattress and right through the carton, breaking two eggs in the process. The old man looked at the now leaking egg carton and immediately began to panic.


Back in the lobby

"Sorry!" Aeris shouted, as he picked up the gun off the velvet carpet and hurriedly put it in his hoodie pocket.

Everyone got back up to their feet, looking at him confused.

"Where did you get that from?" asked Tari.

"A badger." replied Aeris.


"It's complicated."

"Hey, do you want to hang out with us? We have Smash Bros Ultimate!" Boopkins said, offering him a seat.

"Sorry, but I really need to get back to-"

Speckler's words echoed in his mind again:

"I want you to hang out with SMG4 and his friends more."

"Back in my day, I used to do ten times the work you're doing and I still found time to get wasted!"

The group was staring at him, wondering why he had stopped talking.

"Is he braindead?" Mario asked.

"WeLl NoW yOu AnD hIm HaVe SoMeThInG iN cOmMoN." Bob retorted.

"Shut up, biotch!"

Pausing for a moment, Aeris sighed, before accepting.

"Alright." he said awkwardly, as he sat down alongside the four. Tari handed him a controller as the character select screen was put on full display for him.

"So how does this work? Is this game like Brawl?"

"Yes, except Meta Knight is fair and balanced, and there's no tripping." Tari explained.

"Oh that's even better." Aeris stated.

Seeing that there was an option to play as an inkling, he decided on just choosing that. Mario picked himself, Bob picked Pyra and Mythra, Boopkins picked Lucina and Tari chose Pikachu. And thus, the round began.

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