RPG disaster (Part 1)

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Another day was passing by at Omnia Academy. The clock had struck noon and it was lunch hour for the students. Mario and the rest of his friend group were busy chatting it up.

"And that's how Mario passed his test and got his highest grade yet, look!" he boasted, displaying his exam paper on the table.

Luigi gave it a quick glance, before looking at his brother in confusion.

"But, this is a D." he pointed out.

"ThAt'S wHaT sHe SaId!" Bob suddenly shouted.


SMG4 then joined them, putting down his lunchbox, before rubbing his forehead.

"Phew," he breathed out, as sat down, "That exam was so long. Glad I'm finally done-"

He stopped as he spotted Aeris sitting at the table across from them alone, busy going through his notes as he ate his lunch.

"Oh, that reminds me," he said, standing up to his feet, before calling out: "Hey, assistant! Come join us over here!"

Meggy's eyes suddenly jumped open in shock as she heard him say that.

"What?!" she let out.

Aeris raised his head from his book, confused. "Huh? You want me to- I think you'd prefer if you just hung out with-"

"No no, come on, I want you to get to know the gang more." SMG4 told him.

"Uh... Okay..." the inkling answered reluctantly, as he slowly began to pick up his things.

Melony tried speaking up: "Uh, SMG4, I'm not sure if this is the best idea-"

"Nonsense, he's gonna be working for me for a while, and it's too late for you to not notice him anymore." the Youtuber replied, brushing her argument aside like it was just a speck of dust.

Aeris awkwardly sat down next to the group, giving them all a shy wave.

"Uh... Hi, again." he said, reunpacking his lunch.

Bob suddenly asked: "ArE yOu RaCiSt ToO?"

"Wait what?"

"Bob!" Melony said scoldingly.


E. Gadd was hard at work repairing his reality-altering machine. As he was finishing the repairs to the wires, he was mumbling to himself in frustration.

"Don't tamper with the fabric of reality, bullshit, I can handle this just fine!" he muttered to himself.

He suddenly found a copy of an old JRPG lying around inside the machine's circuits.

"Huh, how did that get there?" he wondered. Putting it aside on a nearby table, he resumed his work on the device,

"Tubby custard! Tubby custard!" shouted his caged Teletubby, as it banged against the bars of his prison.

"I just fed you, shut up!" he responded.

He started up the device again, as it began to rev up once more. A bright green pillar of light began to appear, as the whirring noise grew louder and louder.

"The power to bend the laws of the universe to my whim is at my very fingertips, there are limitless possibilities for what I can do! Now, I shall-"

The door to the Teletubby's cage suddenly flung open, as the creature charged out roaring in a happy childish voice: "Tubby custard!!"


It leapt at its captor, tackling him and throwing him against the nearby table. Him and the piece of furniture both fell to the ground with a loud crash, as all of the contents of the table spilled onto the floor.

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