Sticky situation

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The door to Peach's castle flew open, as Mario and his friends walked in, having returned from their trip to Underpal Studios.

"We're back biatches!" the plumber let out.

Saiko lowered the bottle of wine from her mouth, just as she was about to take a swig.

"Yippee..." she replied, unenthusiastically. Just as she was about to resume with her drinking, Meggy suddenly snatched the bottle from her.

"Come on, Saiko. What did we say about ending your unhealthy drinking habits?" Meggy asked.

"My oldest friend thinks I'm a failure, this is my only escape-" Saiko whined.

"No excuses."

"Phew, we're just in time. We can start the video in a few minutes." SMG4 said, putting down his suitcase.

Fishy Boopkins leapt up onto a nearby table, trying to gain some height in order to properly be a part of the conversation.

"So, how did your trip go? Did you bring anything back for us?" he asked enthusiastically.

"Well, let's just say it got off to a rocky start..." SMG4 said, reluctantly.

"But we fixed everything, as we'a always do!" Mario exclaimed, giving Meggy a solid pat on the back. As he pulled his hand, however, everyone in the room was suddenly taken aback as they suddenly heard her shout:


"Meggy, what's wrong?" Tari asked.

That's when she, along with everyone else in the room, noticed it: Mario's hand was stuck to her hair.

"Wah?! Imma stuck! Hand stuck!" Mario shouted.

"Tch... Ow! Why won't it come off?" Meggy asked, frustratedly.

"Get me off!!"

"How is this even happening?" Luigi asked.

Mario and Meggy stopped struggling for a moment, as they both began to think back.


At Underpal Studios, Meggy stopped by a nearby cotton candy stand.

"Phew... Finally, some quiet..." she said to herself, before turning to the vendor and giving her order.

"One cotton candy please-"

She was suddenly cut off as she heard from up ahead.

"Mario! WHAT DID YOU DO?!" SMG4 shouted as they ran for it.

"Don't blame me! That crazy hobo won't leave me alone!" the plumber yelled back.

As they were running, Hagrid chased after them with a crowbar, growling at them angrily:

"Yer a feckin wizard 'Arry!

As they ran for it, Mario unknowingly slammed right into Meggy, knocking her head first into the cotton candy machine as they ran past.

"AH!- MMMMMM!!!"

The vendor just stared her, his eyes practically devoid of any life, before stating:

"That'll be 18 dollars, ma'am."

End of the flashback

Meggy glared at Mario angrily. The Italian simply shrugged, before saying:

"It's a mystery. Who knows..."

"Can we focus? We need to separate us both, now." she stated.

SMG4 called everyone over:

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