Duel to the end

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Mario opened up the fight by leaping into the air, taking aim with his feet at the head of a robot heavy.

"Surprise mothafucka!" he shouted, as he descended upon the robot... Only to slip right off its metal head. The heavy turned its head 180 degrees back to stare at him, before pointing his minigun at him, the barrels beginning to spin rapidly.

"I promise you pain without end!" the robot declared.

"Oh fak-"

Just then, a bullet flew through the robot's head, killing it instantly.

"Keep up, Mario! You're falling behind!" Aeris told him, before gunning down a robot demoman.

"Hey! Kill-stealer!" Mario yelled angrily. Turning his attention to a robot soldier, he called out:

"Ay sinky!"

The robot turned his attention to the Italian, who proceeded to shout:

"Your hat is shit!"

"How dare you! My hat is amazing! Get a haircut, maggot!" the robot retorted, before firing his rocket launcher at the plumber. Mario quickly reacted however, suddenly extending his nose to knock the rocket back at him.

"Boing!" he let out, as the projectile ricocheted and impacted the soldier, causing him to explode into scrap.


"Yippee! I did it!" Mario cheered.

He was suddenly struck in the back with a metal baseball bat by a robot scout.

"Bonk!" the robot scout let out.

"Hey!" the plumber barked, as he swung back at him with his fist. The robot swiftly dodged however with its heightened agility.

"Whoops! Missed me!" the robot scout taunted.

"Grrrr... RAAAAA!!!" Mario roared, as he swung wildly at the scout, who simply kept dodging his blows one by one with ease.

"Nice try chucklenuts! Next time eat a salad!" the robot laughed, as he took another swing at Mario. This time though, the plumber caught it with a single hand.

"Nobody. Tells me. To eat. HEALTHY FOOD!" Mario let out, before headbutting the robot scout so hard it knocked its head clean off... leaving the plumber with a bad headache.

"Oof! Mama-mia..."

He was given very little time to recover however, as a robot pyro started running at him with a flamethrower. It let out a robotic muffled laugh as it attempted to set the plumber on fire.

"Ahhhh! I don't wanna be a spicy meatball!"

Meanwhile, Aeris was fighting his own battle. He quickly ducked into a nearby ink puddle he'd made, barely avoiding a shot from a robot sniper. Popping out the ink, he quickly took aim at the robot, shooting him in the head and taking him out in one clean shot.

"Gotcha," he muttered underneath his breath.

Suddenly, a robot spy appeared behind him, butterfly knife in hand. Hearing him come out of invisibility right behind him, Aeris quickly leapt to the side, barely avoiding a fatal backstab as the blade came down towards him.


He quickly turned around, only to see Mario standing right behind him instead.


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