Spooks n' Serial Killers

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Mario, Luigi, Tari, Boopkins and Bob were all busy setting up decorations at the castle. Mario was grumbling a little, as he held a pumpkin in place while Tari was cutting into it.

"Why do we have to do this? More time spent here is'a less time getting candy!" he protested.

"Mario, come on, we want to make the castle look nice for when everyone else gets back in time to celebrate," Tari explained to him.

"ThIs Is BoRiNg, ImAgInE tHe LoOt We'D bRiNg BaCk HaD wE aLrEaDy LeFt!" Bob pointed out.

"Come on Bob, we're almost done. We can then go trick or treating together afterward!"

Aeris suddenly walked in, holding a list in his hands.

"Okay, I'm off to grab the rest of the stuff for the party," he told the group.

"Thanks again for helping out Aeris," Tari told him.

"Oh it's nothing. It's kind of weird that SMG4 gave me the day off today. I haven't seen him at all actually, where is he?"

Bob suddenly popped up behind him, having swapped his usual rag for a white one, making him resemble a ghost.

"WhO cArEs!"

"Ah!" Aeris let out, startled.

"It MeAnS mOrE lOoT fOr Us, LeT's Go!" Bob said.

"Just a little longer Bob..." Tari muttered, as she carefully began to carve out her jack-o-lantern.

"YoU'rE tOo SlOw, LeT mE!" the rag man told her, pushing her aside and hastily carving out a face into the pumpkin with his blade arms.

"AnD tHaT's WhY yOu DoN't MeSs WiTh ThE mAsTeR bLaDe WiElDeR!" he proclaimed... before accidentally stabbing Mario in the hand with one of his arms.

the plumber let out.


After patching up Mario's hand, the group all got into costumes. Mario was dressed up as a chef, Luigi as Batman, Tari as a pirate, Boopkins as a shark and Bob remained in his white rag, using it as a ghost costume.

"Well, you guys have fun," Aeris told the group, as he began to head out.

"Aeris wait, where's your costume?" Boopkins asked.

"Oh come on, I'm too old for that-"

"BiTcH, wE'rE aLl ThE sAmE aGe As YoU Or OlDeR!" Bob pointed out.

"Don't worry, we've got plenty of spare costumes right here!" Boopkins told him, hauling out a large box from a nearby closet.

"How convenient!" Luigi stated.

"Uh... Okay?"

A few minutes later

Aeris looked at himself in a mirror, dressed in a Sherlock Holmes outfit.

"Hey, this looks pretty good," he said, adjusting his hat.

"Ew, he's dressed as a British person!" Mario gasped.

"Looks good!" Tari told him.

The inkling couldn't help but smile a little. It had been a while since he'd dressed up for Halloween. Up till now, he'd forgotten how much fun wearing a costume was.

"Well uh... I'm off," he said, grabbing the shopping list.

"Remember to get mah spaghetti!" Mario told him.

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