JubJub's bedtime story

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At the castle, Boopkins was busy tucking JubJub into his bed.

"Alright JubJub, we'll be spending the night here," the fish man told his little brother. The latter simply cocked his head and asked:

"Jub jub?"

"We can't go home yet because... Well..."


Fishy Boopkins ran around the sea bed, screaming as two massive Lovecraftian creatures clashed against one another, one a giant with an octopus' head, and the other a giant fish woman. Their battle tore Boopkins' underwater home apart, as he tried to avoid getting crushed by the two giants.

"AHHHH!!!" he screamed, only to get whacked aside by a giant fish tail, "AH!"

End of the flashback

"Mom and dad are on a date together," Boopkins explained briefly.

"Jub jub?" his brother questioned.

"Well, uh..." the fish man mumbled, glancing around, trying to avoid answering that question. That's when an idea suddenly came to his head.

"Oh! Would you like a bedtime story?"

"Jub jub!" the little guy exclaimed, nodding.

"Yay! Let me tell you an original story of my own!" Boopkins told him, "Once upon a time, there were three-"

"Hobos!" Mario suddenly exclaimed, as he appeared behind Boopkins.

"Ah!" the fish man gasped, as he jumped back, "Mario, what are you doing here?"

"Imma here to tell a better story than you can!" the Italian boasted.

"No, it's my story. Ahem... T-there were three hobos. Their names with were-"

Meanwhile, in the story

Mario, SMG4 and Luigi!

(Boopkins jumped back in surprise, seeing both green and blue plumbers behind him as well.

"Oh man, can I please just tell my story?"

"Don't worry Boopkins, we're just helping you out!" SMG4 told him.

"I don't know why I'm here, they kind of just tossed me in here," said Luigi.

Aeris suddenly poked his head in, as he told his employer:

"Hey boss, I've got the merch designs ready. All you need to do is mail them-"

"Not now Aeris! We are busy coming up with the fairy tale of all time. Do something useful for this scenario!" SMG4 ordered him.

"Like what?"

"Anything! Just find something!"

"Uh... Okay?")

The three hobo frens were happily frolicking in the forest of-

("Spaghetti!" shouted Mario.

"No! That's dumb, you're dumb!" retorted SMG4.

answered the plumber.)

They were frolicking in the forest of forestness, when suddenly, they realized that they had wandered far from their home. Luckily, they'd been tossing Kikkoman's TM panko breadcrumbs on the ground-

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