Wisdom of the World Serpent | Maleficent's Counter and New Plans

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After reuniting with everyone back at the mansion, all were happy to win against Loki and his children. Vara and Octavia were being hugged by Stolas, Stella, and the rest of I.M.P. as Issei was hugged by Rias and Asia. Explaining everything as to what happened, Vara, Thor, and Kratos enter Loki's holding cell as he was coming around.

Loki: ... What? .. What happened?

Vara: Well... you were kicking our ass, until me and Asterius did.

Loki: Asterius? But.. I thought he- Wait... what's going on?

Vara: Don't you remember what happened? You almost caused Ragnarok. 

Loki: What? .. Wha- Ragnarok, I don't know what your talking about. I wouldn't take such drastic measures if I were to be King of Asgard.... Don't even know why I'm spouting this to a mortal like you.

Vara: .. I knew you would say that. 

Thor: Loki, what do you remember before coming here?

Loki: I- I was... I was in my cell back on Asgard. I was locked away from our last fight, brother... But.. everything just went dark... All I can remember was... a mask.

Vara: Majora. 

Loki: I beg your pardon?

Vara: .. Majora. He's the evil spirit that was confined in the mask. He almost wiped out a parallel world like Earth, but was stopped. Now that he's returned.... he's going to end the world on the day of the eclipse. 

Loki: ... Well, what does he have to do with me? Why am I involved in this?

Kratos: This mask is what took control of your darkness. It's what caused you and your children to closely unleash Ragnarok and cause the end of all supernatural. 

Loki was now quiet, having to hear of the whole truth of him being manipulated and controlled by Majora. Just then, Mulan came in the room, having Octavia letting her take over at the moment. 

Vara: Hua Mulan?

Mulan: I hope I'm not disturbing. 

Thor: .. You're not. Loki just now taking the truth to heart. 

Mulan: Is that so? I don't know of this Majora. Who is he?

Vara's face paint appears as he was now engulfed in light, letting Asterius take over.

Asterius: Majora is a evil spirit that inhabits a mask. He's a being that cause fear, terror, torment, and misery to those who come across him. I defeated him couple times, but now that he's back, he plans to have the entire world destroyed. 

Mulan: .. All of the world?

Kratos: It's true. I know little, but I can tell that an apocalypse is coming. Asterius has to attain the last two virtues in order to call upon the guardians. 

Asterius: .. That's right... Vara killed Jormungandr, therefore we have the Temperance virtue. All we need now is to attain the virtue of Kindness and Humility. 

Thor: The only way we can get the two is to defeat more monstrous beasts. The Great Leviathan and Cthuhlu. 

Loki: ... That's impossible. You can't kill Cthuhlu, let alone even look at him. Not even the strongest mind can break his gaze. 

Asterius: .. Then what?

Loki: .. You'll need to talk to Jormungandr for that.

Asterius: Didn't you just hear? Vara has killed him.

Loki: Oh, you did... but he always comes back. Reborn, and different. I know the entire story of the World Serpent more better then you do. 

Mulan: .. The snake's head is back at the place we fought. I thought it would start becoming just a husk. 

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