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After staying for a while in the garden haechan got an idea .
Haechan- well now that you are fine mel let's go , let's go for a real date .
Mark- was this not a date tho-
Haechan- would u really call this a date mel? And i wanna go to amusement park it's really near .
Mark agreed , haechan was helping Mark get up from ground but Mark pulled his arm and haechan fell on top of him .
Haechan- MELL!!!!! are you serious , it hurts.
Mark sneaked his hands arou Ind Haechan's waist and chuckled looking deep inside his eyes . Haechan slightly baugth his hand near to Mark's face and removed strand of his hair from his face .
Haechan- I like your long hair , it really suits you .
Mark- Thanks babe .
Haechan- you don't wanna go now?
Mark- naaa i like it like this , you me just we both taking for hours.
Haechan- haha i like this to but i am hungry Mel please , move your fat ass let's go enjoy for real.
Mark- ok my queen B , let's go get up
They both got up and walked down to amusement park with listening to songs .

They played alot of games and had snacks and were really happy
Haechan- do u wanna go to roller coaster
Haechan turned to look at mark and it had a doubt writen all over his face
Mark nodded from left to right indicating he does not wanna take roller coaster cause he is scared.
Haechan locked hands with mark and pulled him towards the ride , mark had no option and just excepted his fate .

They both got into the cabinet of roller coaster , mark was visibly shaking .
Haechan- mel u gonna be fine ok... I am here for u.
Mark gave a smile to haechan indicating he is ok and will be fine

As the ride started going up mark and haechan could not help but giggle along with singing songs . They reached at the top , mark and Haechan were looking deep into each other's eyes
Mark being a flirty boy decided to sneak hands around haechan's waist and he kissed him with love .
The separated from the kiss and we're feeling something odd they both looked down and there it was they both screamed at the top of there lungs as the roller coaster went down .
They both felt like puking when they got of the Ride .
Haechan starting laughing
Haechan- mel u should have seen your face , it looks like a ghost possesd you
Mark- ayo i am never gonna take the ride again especially not with u mister .
Haechan gave mark a whatever look .

Walking out of the Amusement park they both were really exhusted and tired .

Haechan- did u check your phone , i think someone was calling you when we were on roller coaster.
Mark took out the phone and checked the notification .
Mark- let's go to doyoung hyung's house right now .
Haechan was confused , he took mark's phone and was horrified .

It was a video of Jaehyun slapping Taeyong .

Mark was really worried of why jaehyun did this but at the moment being with taeyong was all he wanted to do to get the mystery solved .

Ok sooo umm update after long . This has been in my drafts for ages 😭 but i forgot to post. 🤌🤌
Hope u guys like it till the next time bieeeee.

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