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The next day at the hospital

Mark and Haechan were ready by 9 am to visit jaehyun as the visiting hours were going to start , markhyuck and doyoung were sitting together when taeil doyoung's bf also joined them for breakfast , Taeil was a super sweet boy who was majoring in music and sound alongside doyoung , taeil is the oldest of the gang there name is 127gang he looks like the youngest but is Hyung to all of them . Haechan had a deep connection with taeil always as he became inspired to take singing classes with taeil it helped to grow his passion towards singing . Taeil dropped off markhyuck to hospital before going back to doyoung to spend some quality time with him .

They reached the door before opening it hyuck held mark's hand and said
"Lets talk all out in poliet way ok maybe he has gone through alot and still we know nothing"
Mark nodded and proceeded to knock the door .

Come in taeyong's voice came from inside , the two stepped in finding jaehyun fast asleep .

Mark- is jaehyun Hyung still sleeping ?
Taeyong- the nurse just gave him medicine maybe he dozzed off let's wait for a while ,how are you guys tho

Mark- we are fine Hyung , i was really worried yesterday about jae Hyung but i think now he seems fine i am glad .

Taeyong passed a smile to mark and suggested mark to have a quick talk with him outside and suggested haechan to sit with jaehyun for a while .

They both headed out to cafeteria to have a cup of coffee together .
Mark- Hyung let's get this straight .. i am really sorry on behalf of Jaehyun hyung but he did not do this all he was forced by our dad i don't know how to handel the situation but he is threatening to kill you or me if Jaehyun stays in touch with us

Taeyong- i already know kid , your dad has always been against me and jaehyun told me everything , you don't need to worry about me just take care of yourself and haechan . I have talked to my dads to help us in some days they will be back from China and then they can help us .
Mark was a little worried and had teary eyes
Mark- i really admire your and jaehyun's relationship Hyung if only i was this brave to keep smiling in this situation i am not even worried about myself i am worried about haechan , i left him once I don't wanna seprate from him ever again .

Taeyong gently creased Mark's hair .
Taeyong-  It's ok mark you don't have to worry about anyone noone will ever take haechan away from you we are here to protect you . And thanks to you jaehyun is ok if you would not have gone to put house , i don't even wanna imagine what would have happened .
Mark was soo happy to have all of them in life he felt great , he held taeyong's hand and squeezed it as a thank you and taeyong giggled and creased his hair again , they felt a connection between them . Every time shit went down either mark was there for taeyong or taeyong for mark .

In between this sweet moment haechan came into the cafeteria to inform taeyong that jaehyun wants to meet him , 
Taeyong- u guys finish your coffee and then come lets meet Jaehyun ok. Till the time i will help him freshen up a bit

Haechan sat with mark keeping his head on mark's shoulder

Haechan- why r you teary eyed who made you cry , do i have to figth someone .
Mark chuckled and responded a no .
Mark- let's be honest baby you can't kill a fly you to delicate . I wanna keep you in a safe so noone dares to touch what's mine .
Haechan- o really mr.lee you will keep me in a safe , i think you have forgotten about my one and only brother mr. Johnny .
Mark- oh beilve me i will neve forget his anger. 

Haechan and marked both laughed and finished there coffee , and went to meet Jaehyun .

Jaehyun was now ok recovering fastly , but he still needed to give his arm proper rest and not carry weight .

Mark- jaehyun Hyung sorry you went through soo much because of dad.

Jaehyun- no mark i should be sorry for saying you harsh things especially when we meet after soo long . I am sorry bro and dont worry about dad now that the truth is out i think everyone will help us to go through all this , i should not have kept this a secret then this all would not get soo complicated.

Haechan- it's ok Hyung, it's still can be done alright we all are here for you and mark , we will take care of yourself and you to let's be strong together .

Jaehyun gave a smile to haechan .
Taeyong- i got a text from johnny the boys wants to meet you and he is asking again why haechan was not again at home .

Mark and hyuck looked away to avoid the question and jaehyun laughed at the situation .

Jaehyun- mark i feel bad for you your brother in law is johnny .
Taeyong gave a slight slap to jaehyun on the arm and they all kept laughing .


Kinda long chapter 😂 I hope u guys enjoy
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Kinda long chapter 😂 I hope u guys enjoy Stream glitch mode Plz vote comment and share if you like the story 😌Thanks for reading

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