Chapter 19

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Callie's POV
I take the turn passing up Tyler, I've already dusted miles as expected. I am now on the collector's tail, I am not at full speed yet they start going faster and we can see the finish line is maybe twenty feet away so I line up with them, and right when we are eight feet away I go full speed and zoom past them. "That was fun," I say to myself, the others pull up with Miles coming in last. I can't help but smile not only did I get rid of his annoying ass but I get to face two equally exciting challenges. I feel very happy due to the outcome. We line up and go through the same process and we're off, all three of us are stuck with each other matching the speed the first turn is coming up and it can only fit one at a time this turn is always either an advantage or disadvantage point. I speed up trying to get in front but the collector speeds up matching my speed. The turn is getting closer and closer at this point it's a game of chicken and I won't back down. We are right at the turn and at the last second they back off and go behind me "WHOO" I cheer out relieved. Just like that, they catch up to me on my right, and Tyler approaches on my left. We are all so close to each other unsure who will win, we are approaching the last turn that can only take two cars. I start going full speed gunning up to the turn I make the turn going as fast as I can with the collector on my tail and Tyler on theirs. I keep gunning it not letting up I can see the finish line a few feet away as the collector has matched up to me. We both pass through unsure who won that one but one thing was clear Tyler was last. I look at the suprised crowd of people everyone unsure who won. We line up for our last race, they motion for the car '"Okay but if I win, I get your car and you come and join my crew" I request and I hear a chuckle

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