Chapter 37

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Callie's POV
"What the hell is your problem today," I say breaking the silence. I see him gripping the wheel tighter "What are you wearing" he says with disgust, "Is that what this is about" I chuckle. "IT'S NOT FUNNY" he shouts, "Stop the car" I demand "What no, no way in hell am I stopping the car," he says. I unbuckle my seat belt 'Either you stop the car or I'll just jump out at this point I don't care what happens to me"

Eric's POV
I didn't think that she was serious until my eyes met hers. She looked so serious, I sigh and pull the car over, "First of all you have no right to fuckin yell at me" she immediately starts going off on me. "And second yeah these are Kai's clothes if that's what you're getting at because I stayed with him last night because of you, you didn't listen like always and fucked up what I had going on with my brother and now I don't even what to look at him." She starts shaking with rage "Your lucky I even came back today the only reason I needed his clothes was because I left my car here with my stuff and I had a panic attack this morning and my clothes got drenched, but by all means act like a man child and be jealous but I'll tell you this much I won't sit here and take it, so fuck off because I can't look at you either" she jumps out the car and slams the door and I am left there in silence.

Callie's POV
I run away from the car as fast as I can, "That asshole he doesn't even know what's going on" I say trying to hold my tears back. To make matters worse I feel little raindrops fall on my noes, next thing I know it's pouring. I then can't hold it in anymore, I start crying my eyes out, I can't do anything right, everything is going wrong. "Why, why please stop," I say trying to stop crying it starts getting hard to breathe. I slowly back into a building and slide down the wall putting my head between my knees. I start shaking grabbing my phone and trying to dial. When I notice my phone is gonna die.

Kai's POV
I am at lunch with the group when it starts pouring outside. "Man would you look at that rain hope no one gets caught in the rain," Dylan says looking at the rain "Oh looks like one person did," Jane says pointing at Manny who is running inside the cafe. After talking to Callie all night I feel a little ball of rage in my stomach. I abruptly stand up, "You okay Kai" Grayson asks. I snap out of my rage and glance at Manny, "Yeah I..just need..." my phone starts buzzing "I need to take this" I say stepping away from the table. I answer the phone with my headphone "Hello" I ask on the other side of the phone I hear heavy breathing. I look to see who called me and it's Callie. "Hey, are you okay what happened," I ask her panicked. "Panic- help- please," she says out of breath. "I'm on my way, whe-" the phone cuts off "hello are you there," I ask I look at my phone and it's hung up. I try calling again and it goes straight to voicemail, now I don't know what to do.

I run back to the table "Guys you got to help it's Callie" I say and everyone's head snaps to me. "What do you mean," Grayson says getting up, I see Dylan going to pay the bill. "She is having a panic attack and can't move and I don't know where she is her phone died so move your asses and let's go," I say grabbing my jacket and rushing to my car. In my car is Jane and Jackie in Grayson's car is Dylan and Manny is riding alone.

"Kai where are we going," Jane asks from the backseat, I ignore her trying to focus on driving in this rain. I take a deep breath "Jane in the back there should be a black bag with a blue stripe" I say and I hear her looking around for it "Got it" she says. "Good now see if there is an inhaler in there," I tell her and she starts rummaging through the bag.

Grayson's POV
"What about we go look around the school" Dylan suggests "What if she's not there Dylan we need to find my sister," I say anxious. She hasn't had a panic attack in so long the last time she had one she was fourteen.

Manny's POV
I shouldn't have left her, she obviously was bothered but I was so wrapped up in my own head that I just left. I am such an asshole.

A/N- Thank you for reading please leave a vote and tell me what you think

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