chapter 55

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Kai's POV
I can feel her hand shaking in mine, I rub my thumb against her hand reminding her I'm here. "Why is everyone looking at you two," Matt asks "This is Callie's place," I say seeing Callie's cheeks go up showing that she's smiling. "Callie you go with Matt and Derrick I'm gonna go get us a spot," I say and she nods letting go of my hand. I walk over to where the guy who is taking money is when I hear a familiar whistle.

I turn around and there he is "Aye Baby" I look in the direction that it came from and see him my best friend Carlos calling out to a girl. I was about to call out to him when I remembered that right now I'm the collector, "Hola Carlos sigo coqueteando con cualquiera que tenga pulso." (Hello Carlos still flirting with anything with a pulse) I say in Spanish making him turn around urgently, when I do talk I only speak Spanish. "Que no way you here," he says looking at me shocked. "Si, ven y camina conmigo" (Yes, come and walk with me) I say and he nods locking his car. "So how long have you been back from Cuba," he asks, "Dos años, perdón por no ir a verte amigo". (Two years, sorry for not going to see you, amigo) I say avoiding eye contact while paying the guy for our race. "It's all good but I got to warn you that she is here," he says in a haunting voice, by she Carlos means my ex Tammy she is a real piece of work, and every time she is around she ruins everything. "I have no time for her right now I am supposed to see my girlfriend race," I say and Carlos looks at me stunned "Wow you're telling me your first girl since Tammy and you didn't tell me, oh and also if it's next race I am going to destroy your girlfriend," he says making me laugh. "What's so funny," he asks "You know this isn't my place it's my gift to her and trusts me once your small brain figures out who she is you will understand," I say making him laugh "Damn you fell hard for her what is she the dream girl you talked about when we were younger," he asks chuckling "Well do you remember that dream girl cause if you do we can see," I say as we get in his car

"Okay bet, one she likes all your siblings," he asks and I nod "Okay two she is crazy beautiful, and three she is smart and artistic, that was asking a lot by the way," he says "Well ask and you shall receive because check and check," I say and he looks taken aback "Damn okay I see you, how about four like your best friend someone your completely comfortable around and five you share your secrets with each other that you wouldn't tell anyone," he asks and I nod and he looks at me shocked "Okay what about number six and seven, beats you in a race and is hot even when she gets jealous," he asks and I smile "We first met she beat me, and I don't know why we're still counting seven but I haven't seen her jealous," I say and Carlos looks shocked "Damn your right she is the one for you," he says laughing getting out of the car. "Yup and she will whoop your ass in this race, you'll know who she is by who the winner is," I say and he laughs "We'll see if she can I am a pretty hard person to beat," he says as I walk away.

I spot them and quickly make my way over there hugging Callie from behind "You ready to race" I whisper and she nods excitedly. "Oh and if you don't mind could you beat the one they call Velocidad" I whisper in her ear "Wait as in the Velocidad you know him," she asks looking up at me "he's my best friend," I say and she smiles at me "I will win the race for you," she says hugging me. Just like that, it's time to line up and get ready, and off she goes. "So I heard the she-devil is here," Derrick says behind me "Yeah rumors are true but it'll be fine it's not like Callie and she have any reason to meet," I say "Oh sorry to break it to you but from the looks of it she is in between Carlos and she-devil," Matt says making me snap back over to Callie.

Callie's POV
"Wow miss Mask herself is here what an honor," a girl who looks like she is trying way too hard to get someone's attention says sarcastically. I roll up my window the side she's on ignoring her I look down the line and see that this race has three girls and one guy. "Nice move trust me you don't want to get involved with her," the guy beside me says "Debes ser la Velocidad," (You must be Velocidad,) I say in Spanish, and he looks at me surprised "Yup that's me surprised you know me," he says smiling "Hey Carlos if you're trying to talk to little miss stuck up you're wasting your time," the girl says "Why don't you go away, don't you have another guy's life to fuck up stupid asshole," he says clearly they have a history that isn't good. "Antiguo ex tuyo?" (Old ex of yours) I ask, "Oh God no she's a friend's ex," he says disgustedly; making me laugh. Just then the announcer comes on "Okay amigos and Amigas let's get this started going down the line we have Katie" he says pointing to the car next to the girl who I and Velocidad don't like "And next to her is Little Tam" he says and the guy's roar with whistles and claps. "And right next to her you know her you love her MASK," he says and the people roar with claps and the sound of car horns, "And next to her is VELOCIDAD," He says and the crowd roars again. After that, the lady comes out and we rev getting ready to take off "Hey Mask may the best racer win" he says and I nod.

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