Chapter 51

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Matt's POV
Kai is on the phone with the pizza place me and Derrick are in the living room with everyone.  When Callie comes back into the house Mandy gets shy and puts her head down. "Mandy, Jaden, and Jack I want you to meet Callie" I announce extending my arm to her. "Oh hello it's very nice to meet y'all I've heard about y'all from your brother," she says, and Jaden and Mandy wave but Jack raises his hand.

"Yes darlin," she says "Why do you say y'all and Darlin," Jack asks making me nudge his arm "It's fine Matt, I am originally from Texas so when I get nervous it comes out more" she explains. "Really like cowboys and cowgirls," Mandy says getting closer to her. "Yes just like that I actually have family who are cowboys," she says crouching down to Mandy.

"Wow," Mandy says as her eyes light up, "Mattie I'm tired," Jaden says yawning. "Oh if you want I can show you guys your room," I say and they nod "Can she take me to mine," Mandy says pointing up to Callie. Callie nods at me saying she can do it. I nod and take the boys to their rooms

Callie's POV
Mandy grabs my hand and I lead the way to her room. "You know you are right across from Kai's room," I say and she smiles "I am yay," she says squeezing my hand. "Are you Derrick's sweetie?" she asks making me feel surprised. "Why do you think that I'm his sweetie," I ask her "You're very beautiful," she says making me smile.

"Thank you but I am not his sweetie" I chuckle "Are you Bubba's sweetie," she asks "Oh look here's your room," I say quickly opening the door she walks in, and her eyes light up with pure joy. "I LOVE IT" she squeals she immediately runs to the bed and starts bouncing on it.

"HEY DOWN" Kai's voice booms and immediately Mandy gets down. "Last time you hurt your arm you can't be jumping you understand," he says softly. She still looks upset and comes over to me hiding behind me, "Mandy can I show you something" I ask turning around and she nods.

I show her my elbow where my scar is. "You see I broke my elbow when I jumped on my bed it hurt very bad," I say with a sad face. She rubs my elbow "It's okay all better now" she says and runs off. "So how'd you really break it," Kai asks behind me "I fell off a roof" I chuckle.

"Hey you know I've been kind of rude If you'd like to leave you can I'm sorry if it seemed like you had to stay," he says half smiling. "PIZZA" Matt announces "Can we talk about this later," I ask and he nods nervously.

We had a good time eating and having fun all day, Mandy did my hair and I talked video games with Jack and music with Jaden, he wants to be a drummer and Jack wants to enter gaming tournaments and Mandy wants to go to school, and make lots of buddies.

The day comes to an end and everyone is going to bed, Mandy is already knocked out, Jaden and Jack are in their rooms watching TV, and Matt and Derrick are asleep. Right now I am changing in Kai's room he is turned around like always.

"All done," I say sitting on the bed, he turns around and smiles at me like always. "Kai can we talk about earlier," I ask and he nods meekly sitting beside me "You don't want to be here" "I really like it here," we say at the same time overlapping each other.

"What do you want me to leave," I ask feeling offended "What no I love you... I mean I love you here at my house, not just at my house but like around me, not around me like a-"

"Kai shut up It's okay I know what you're trying to say" I laugh "Look Kai I like being here with you, but I keep lying to Grayson because for some reason he thinks it weird that I and you are always together but he doesn't understand that you get me and I get you"... Wait a second, I look at Kai who is actually listening to me and I slowly start putting pieces to my puzzles together. I feel my heart racing " Callie are you-"

"I need to go right now im- I'm sorry but I need to go," I say grabbing my keys and bolting out the door. It is raining but I don't stop and go to my car. "CALLIE" I hear Kai yell after me, I keep driving when it starts thundering and I feel my chest tighten.

I keep driving trying to find somewhere to stop when I notice a familiar house. I knock at the door "I think I fell in love with Kai" I say scared

"Come inside," Jane says pulling me inside. "So would you like to tell us what's going on," Jackie asks sitting next to Jane. Jackie and Jane are like two peas in a pod they thrive off of each other and seeing one without the other can feel weird so once Jane caught Jackie up they sat me down. "So you guys obviously know that I rejected Manny," I say and they nod.

"Anyways I had told him that I deserved someone who knew everything about me and loves every part of my crazy personality and all even someone who isn't afraid to hold my hand around Gray and like five minutes ago I realized that not him but possibly Kai," I say talking fast. Just then a bolt of lightning crashes making me jump but goes unnoticed by them.

"So basically you don't know what to do or how to know if your right or even if he likes you, " Jane asks. I nod my head slowly. "Well figuring out if he likes you are not could be easy," Jackie says and I raise my head with hope.

But it quickly goes back down with another crash of lightning, "Has he ever done anything like coming to your rescue like drop everything and come" Jackie asks.

I smile at our memories one when he let me stay when I was fighting with Gray, two getting me through a panic attack, three finding me in the rain the same day taking me to the hospital after fainting, four that same day coming to get me after leaving the hospital, five helping me with Grayson and six the whole thing with Eric.

"Callie?" Jackie calls out, "Yeah six times, three in one day," I say gleaming. "Wow that is strong does he ever just smile at you," Jane asks I nod my head.

"Then honey I would say he likes you," Jane says smiling. "You really think so," I ask, and they both nod, "Oh no I ran away in the middle of a conversation he must hate me now," I say palming my face. All of a sudden there is faint honking outside.

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