Chapter 60

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~Three years later ~

Callies POV

"BOYS MOVE IT" Kai yells "COMING" Jack yells back. I walk outside and Mandy is waiting in the car listening to music it's crazy to think that when we met she was five and now she is eight and the boys are sixteen, Matt and Derrick moved out after they started working at the track. I go to the car and Mandy looks at me "Wow big sis you look amazing" she says with wide eyes.

"Awe thank you, Mandy" I smile, especially more when I feel a hand wrap around my waist. "Hey gorgeous," Kai says pulling me to him and making me giggle. "How are you feeling nervous?" He asks me and I nod. Today is graduation and it is also the day that me and Grayson stopped talking three years ago, Kai patched up with Manny and Grayson but not me.

I moved some of my classes just so I wouldn't have to see Manny. I do feel bad about the way I left things but it's not like they've tried reaching out to me either right? Kai squeezes my hand "Babe trust me they'll be there you know you can always count on them" Kai says referring to the group I told them I was graduating but got no response from anyone. I smile and nod "And who knows maybe even Grayson will show up," he says moving his head to make sure we have eye contact.

"He won't," I say bluntly. "Well, he thought you weren't going to go to his" Kai points out "He doesn't even know that I was there" I roll my eyes. "Kai stop pissing Callie off, she has enough stress to deal with today," Jaden says coming out of the house with Jack. "Boy get your ass in the car only ones causing stress are you two slow asses" Kai growls at Jaden, and laughs.

"Can all of you just get in the car so we can go" I smile and they all nod. A few things have changed since I moved in one Jaden and Jack recently found out what we actually do to bring money in, two we bought a family car which was a big change for Me and Kai, three Jaden is in a band and Jack does awesome street art and has a whole bunch of fans, and the biggest news of all Jackie and Jane have a kid her name is Ellie and she is the same age as Mandy so whenever we're all free we go over so they can see each other. I zone back in when Kai starts driving and I feel the butterflies in my stomach.

Kai's POV
We make it to the graduation just in time for Callie to run in with the others, I park the car and we all make our way inside. "Whatever you two do don't lose Mandy," I say warningly to the twins and both nod, I almost trip and when I look up I only count two heads.

"Wait where is Mandy," I say terrified Jack and Jaden look at me with the same terrified look "MANDY MANDY" we yell at the crowd of people, "MANDY WHERE ARE YOU" Jaden yells "MANDY SOUND OFF" Jack yells "ONE TWO" we hear in return, I quickly turn to where the sound is coming from when I see someone with familiar bright pink hair. It's Ellie She dyed her hair after pictures she saw of Jane, right next to them are Jackie and Jane.

I grab Jaden and Jack and quickly make our way over to them. "We saw her get separated so we grabbed her," Jane says motioning Mandy back to us. I grab my chest in relief and then grab her.

"Thank you she gave me a heart attack" I say relieved. "Don't thank us thank them" Jackie says pointing behind me, with some hope I turn around but my hope disappears when I see Dylan and Manny, "Thank you guys" I smile and they nod. "Well let's get going before we miss her name," I say and we all shuffle inside making sure we have hold of Mandy and Ellie.

Callie's POV
I did it I've walked across the stage, and all the blood sweat, and tears I put in my work now I am done. I walk outside to the blinding sun looking around for Kai, I see Kai, Jaden, Jack, Dylan, Jackie, Jane, and Manny. They are all looking around and yelling I get closer and my heart drops.

"MANDY, ELLIE WHERE ARE YOU" I hear them yelling looking around frantically, I start looking around scared "MANDY. ELLIE" I yell moving through the crowd, "Hey kid" I turn around and am shocked when I see Grayson, "Are you looking for these two troublemakers" he asks holding Mandy, and Ellie's hands.

"You came," I say tearing up. "yeah of course. I... didn't know if you wanted me here but I couldn't miss this not for the world" he says and I hug him. "I love you, Gray. I'm sorry" I sniffle holding him. "I love you too kid. I'm so proud of you" he hugs me tightly. "I missed you" I whisper.

The end

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