T W E N T Y - E I G H T

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Two weeks had passed and Seraphina had not had any contact with anyone but Alex, Jasper and Charlie. Rosalie had even dropped in a call to which she ignored.

Seraphina had let herself go mentally for the fourteen days that led up to the funeral of Caleb Winters.

When the day, today, arrived, Seraphina had spent an hour standing on the balcony of hers and Jasper's shared room. Jasper had given her tea's a coffee or two, had offered to talk to her, but he only ever received hums and thankful looks.

Now, Seraphina was staring at the black mid-thigh length dress that stated into her. She sighed to herself, unaware or ignorant of her brother and boyfriend watching her cautiously. They stood in the open door-way of the room, sharing concerned glanced to each other as they watched Seraphina's mood change. She went from calm, to oblivious and depressed.

They took a step back and closed the door as they realised Seraphina was about to get dressed.

"She's...not been this bad before." Jasper admitted, walking down the steps and into the kitchen.

"She's going to her best mates funeral." Alex said as though it were obvious. "She's going to be depressed."

"I know but i thought she'd be-"

"A bit better in the head?" Alex hummed to Jasper, who shrugged. The raven haired hybrid chuckled. "Stick with her and she'll be fine." Was all Alex said before walking away from Jasper, going up the stairs towards his sister's room. He knocked on the door softly, only receiving a grunt. "Hey, little Melody."

"What?" She croaked out, and Alex bit his bottom lip a bit.

"Can i come in?" A minute later, the door was opened and Alex saw the wreck that was Seraphina Grayam. "Oh...my baby sister."

"He was..." Seraphina trailed off, tears gathering as the memories began flooding through her brain and appearing each time she blinked. "He was..." she repeated, unable to finish the sentence. "Once..." Alex sighed and wrapped Seraphina in a hug, slowly sinking to his knees, the girl doing the same, as her body wracked itself with silent sobs that sounded like gasps.

"Shh. Shh." Alex gently rubbed the girl's back in soothing circles. Yes, it should be Jasper doing this but Alex was her older brother. He was protective of his sister, which meant he also cared for her. Obviously not in the same way that Jasper did, but still. The point still stands that it didn't actually matter who comforted Seraphina, just the fact that she was comforted. "It's okay. It's gonna be okay."

"Everyone says that...but-bu-ut..." Seraphina coughed a little as she got choked up again. "It's never gonna be the same." Seraphina pulled away from Alex's embrace, wiping her eyes and standing. She then grabbed her makeup bag and walked to the bathroom, putting on light make up. Some mascara, nude lipstick. She curled her hair and looked in the reflection. She tried to smile but it fell. After today, Seraphina knew that she'd get better, but today wasn't her day.

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