T H I R T Y - F O U R

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Seraphina took in a shakey breath as the door to Charlie's home stared at her. She raised a hand and knocked, hesitant. It had been a couple weeks since the Cullens came home, and school was going to start soon. Seraphina was glad a baby bump wasn't showing yet, and she hoped that graduation would happen before the bump showed too much, but time was running out. Six weeks until the bump would show and then it'd be having to skive days off school as it got bigger. Seraphina just needed to graduate.

"Sara?" Seraphina looked up quickly, smiling warmly at her adoptive father.

"Hey, Ch-Dad." She didn't really feel comfortable calling Charlie by his name. It felt so odd to her and she needed normalicy. She glanced at the cloudy skies with a smile, before looking back at Charlie.

"Hey, kiddo." Charlie enveloped Seraphina into a much needed hug. Seraphina could feel how relieved he felt, just to be in contact with her. "You haven't called in weeks." He whispered, his heart clenching. "I thought you had...I thought something had happened." Seraphina's own heart clenched, and subconsciously, a hand went to her stomach, where a small little fetus was, to which would become his grandchild (adoptively).

"No...well yeah, something has happened. Something good." Seraphina whispered back, pulling out of the hug. She had a soft smile on her face, one that reminded Charlie of all the times she assured him she was okay after getting hurt. Charlie pursed his lips and stood, waiting to hear what had happened. "Oh...you want me to go on? Right, yeah." Seraphina laughed nervously before clearing her throat. "Jasperproposedtomeandisaidyes." Her words were quick, hoping Charlie wouldn't be mad, but it was the opposite. He beamed and hugged the girl tightly again.

"My daughter is getting married!" He yelled in excitement, never stopping with the hug.

"Yeah." She hugged Charlie back tightly, resting her head on his shoulder. "Yeah, i am." Her tone was dreamy, as though she were in a happy trance about it.

"ISn't it a school day?" Charlie suddenly said and Seraphina scoffed, which proved to Charlie it was. "Come on, Sara, it's your last year!" Seraphina looked at her stomach, biting her bottom lip. Yeah...it was her last year. One she hoped to graduate without the little child interferring too much. I mean, the school year had already started, and graduation was to take place in eight months. She'd be massive then. A part of her hoped she'd give birth by then, but then again, she kind of just...doesn't want to care.

She'd figure something out, and it would be okay, whether the child is born or not by graduation.

"Get to school young lady." Seraphina rolled her eyes and looked over her shoulder, where Jasper waited in the car. She chuckled and turned to Charlie.

"You don't want to have a word with my fiance?"

"Nah...that Jasper kid's alright. I trust him." A warm smile on Charlie's face made Seraphina's light up immensely. "He's got my blessing...even though he didn't ask." Seraphina hugged Charlie once more before smiling gratefully.

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