T W E N T Y - N I N E

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Seraphina had been blank for three weeks after the funeral of Caleb Winters. Her eyes would always watch the forest outside of hers and Jasper's balcony or it would linger onto the box that she had yet to open.

She couldn't open it though. Not just because Caleb had demanded she wait until she were engaged, but also because it was just so much like Caleb.

Her mind was foggy and plagued with all the memories of her deceased best friend, and Seraphina was finding it hard to do anything.

She wouldn't eat much, to which her body weight began to decrease. Her skin became paler, her blue eyes became more dull.

Jasper and Alex could do nothing but watch as Seraphina spiraled again.

The two felt hopeless, useless and saddened by the fact that they simply could not help Seraphina Grayam.

The Cullens' home was silent. It wasn't filled with Seraphina's melodious laughter, instead, it was just filled with silence. The most deafening thing there was.

A ringtone rippled through the cloak of silence, though, and made Seraphina look away from the damned box. She slowly stood and walked to the dresser, where her phone lay, and she picked it up. Her mouth twitched in a smile before she answered.

"Hey, Bella."

"Hey, Seraphina."

"You called?" Seraphina asked, as though it were obvious, and Bella laughed softly on the other side of the line. The brunette had been waiting to check up on Seraphina, but she never knew when the right time would be...all events considered.

"Want to go on a hike?" Was all Bella asked and Seraphina pursed her lips. It'd be good to get out once in a while, wouldn't it?

"Uh..sure." Seraphina hesitantly answered, and unbeknownst to her, Bella beamed on the other end of the call.

"Meet me at the beach." Seraphina nodded and before she could end the call, Bella hung up on her. Pulling her lips into a straight line, Seraphina wondered on whether she should tell Jasper or Alex that she was going out. It would be smart to, wouldn't it? But...who's to say Seraphina was smart? She certainly didn't feel it. If she was, she'd know who had murdered her best friend.

Shaking her head, Seraphina did the simple thing she shouldn't have done. She lept off the balcony and began sprinting towards La Push beach. She knew it was the one Bella was speaking off, after all, what other beach does Bella know about? Seraphina took a small look behind her shoulder, but no one followed so she pushed her legs harder and got to the beach much faster.

The clouds that overlooked the vicious ocean only put a damper on the girl's mood. The saddened weather just made it more sad for Seraphina to find comfort in the smell of the salty ocean water. The twirps of birds just put a sort of edge on Seraphina, once she couldn't explain, as they circled above her head. Crows.

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