Chapter 1

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What would happen if you were the daughter of a Demon and an Angel? I know, crazy. Well that's the case for me. Hi, my name is Lilith Costello, or Lily as my mum likes to call me. I was born as a result to my mum and dad having feeling for each other but as they say in Romeo and Juliet, their love was forbidden. My dad, Lucifer, is the Devils right hand man, he is very.......... unique. He tries his hardest to try to act good around me and my mum but sometimes he overdoes it just a little. My mum, Dina, is God's best angel, she is the angel of wisdom and learning.

Unfortunately, due to the fact that my dad and mum broke the rules to be together, we have to live on earth. We decided to live in Queens cause my parents let me decide. My mum and dad still have their jobs it's just that they can't go back to heaven or hell. One thing I forgot to mention, I have wings. All angels and demons have wings, my mum has white and my dad has black, but the weird thing is, I have black and white wings. My right one is black and my left is white. I always thought it just brought out the best and worst parts of myself.

We have been living in Queens for 14 years since I was born, and, believe it or not, I have never left the house. I never knew what swimming was like, or driving in a car is like. My parents were the only ones allowed to leave the house since they still needed to technically make money. They would always bring me back souvenirs but I always told them it wasn't the real thing. I was just lying in bed thinking about what it would be like to go outside when my parents knocked on my door.

"Happy 15th Birthday", they said in unison.

I forced a smile and replied.

"Thanks guys, just another reminder that I've been stuck in this house for, how old did you say I was? Oh right, 15!", I said with sarcasm.

They both gave each other a look and smiled.

"We know we haven't been the coolest parents", my dad said sitting on my bed, "but after a lot of convincing from me".

"We've decided", my mum said sitting on the other side of the bed, "to let you go to school".

I couldn't believe what I was hearing, they were actually letting me leave, and letting me go to actual school with, humans. I continuously hugged them and thanked them so many times that they had to pry me of themselves. I was going to start on Monday so I had the weekend to get ready. My parents spent the entire weekend explaining what I was to expect when I went to school, like bullies and making friends, as well as making sure my wings were hidden at all times. If I was ever to be caught by a human I had to use the memory wiping spell.

Fallen from Heaven (Peter Parker)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang