Chapter 5

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Peter's pov

I had just come back from stopping a robbery but I didn't realise that Ned was in my room when I got back. As I closed the door and got down from the ceiling I turned around without my mask on, only to see a terrified Ned holding a finished Lego Death Star and a shocked look on his face. He dropped the Lego Death Star and looked at me.

"What was that?", I heard May ask.

"Uh, nothing, nothing", I quickly replied and looked at Ned.

He stood up and said, "Your the Spiderman, from Youtube".

"No, I'm not, I'm not", I say pressing the spider emblem on my suit and removing the suit.

"You were just on the ceiling", he said pointing up still looking at me.

"No Ned I wasn't, and what are you doing in my room?", I asked.

"May let me in, I thought you said we were going to finish the lego Death Star?", he said.

"You can't just bust into my room", I said as I went beside Ned because someone was opening the door.

"Peter?", a voice said as they pushed the door open.

I saw it was Lilith and I completely froze as she looked to the floor, then Ned, then me.

"H-hi Lilith, I didn't know you were coming over", I said a little panicked at the fact that Lilith was looking at me while I was only wearing my boxers.

"Yeah, Ned invited me, I thought he told you?", she asked still looking at us both weirdly.

"No, I mean, I didn't have my phone with me so I wasn't able to check my messages", I said as I kicked away my spider suit under my bed.

"That Turkey Meatloaf Recipe is a disaster, let's go to dinner, Thai? Ned, Lilith, you want to get Thai?", May asked as she came inside the room pushing the smoke out of her face.

"I'd love to", Lilith said.

"Yes", Ned said.

"No, he's got a thing", I said quickly.

"A thing to do after", Ned quickly rephrased.

"Okay, come on Lilith, maybe put on some clothes", May said as she left the room and followed.

May and Lilith left and closed the door as I took the hoodie lying on my chair and put it on.

"Oh they don't know?", Ned said.

"No, nobody knows. Well, maybe Mr Stark knows cause he made my suit but that's it", I said as I put on the sweater.

"Tony Stark made you that? Are you an Avenger?", Ned asked.

"Yeah, basically", I said.

Ned suddenly held onto the railing of my bed for support as he soaked in this information.

"You can't tell anybody about this you gotta keep it a secret", I said going towards Ned.

"A secret why?", he asked.

"Cause you know what's she like if she finds out that people try and kill me every single night she's not gonna let me do this anymore. And if Lilith finds out that would be even worse, we just became friends and I don't want to put that pressure on her. Come on Ned please?", I begged.

"Okay, okay, okay, I'll level with you. I don't think I can keep this a secret this is the greatest thing that has ever happened to me Peter", he said.

"No Ned, May cannot know, I can't do that to her right now. You know, I mean with everything that has happened with her, I, please?", I begged again.

"Okay", he said.

"Just swear it, okay?", I say.

"I swear", Ned says.

"Thank you", I say.


"Oh, I can't believe this is happening right now", I say as I head towards the door putting my hands on my head.

"Can I try the suit on?", Ned asked.

"No", I said.

"How does it work? Is it magnets? How do you shoot the strings?"

"Ima tell you about this at school tomorrow, okay?", I say as I push Ned towards the door.

"Great, wait then. How do you do this and the Stark Internship?", he asked as I opened the door for him.

"This is the Stark Internship", I said.

"Oh", he said as I pushed him out of my room.

"Just get outta here", I said.

I closed the door and leaned against it, and groaned as I put my hands on my forehead. At least Lily didn't find out, because that would be a whole other story.

Oh my god, Lilith is still here!

Lilith's pov

I walked out of the room and followed May into the lounge and sat down on the couch trying to process everything I had just seen in Peter's room. I had never realised that Peter was in such shape until just now. I blushed at the thought of Peter standing in front of me shirtless when I saw Ned leaving Peter's room.

"Bye Lily", he said.

"See ya Ned", I said waving.

When he left Peter came out of his room looking panicked. His gaze shifted to me and he just smiled, I smiled back and tried to act as if I didn't see anything. We ended up getting Thai and Peter wasn't eating his food and May noticed.

"What's the matter? Thought you loved larb. It's too much larb? Not larby enough. How many times do I have to say larb before you talk to me? You know I larb you?", May said.

"I'm just stressed. The internship, and I'm tired. A lot of work", he said.

"Oh that reminds me, I forgot to tell you, I got an internship at Stark Industries", I said.

Peter's head shot up and he looked excited all of a sudden.

"That's awesome, what are you doing for the Internship?", May asked.

"I will be his assistant", I answered undoubtedly.

"Really?", Peter asked.

"Yup", I said.

"I have to tell you, not a fan of that Tony Stark. You're distracted all the time. He's got you in your head", May said to Peter.

We then saw the TV showing that Spider man had stopped a robbery near Delmar's.

"If you two spot something like that happening, you turn and you run the other way", May said.

"Yeah. Yeah, yeah, yeah. Of course", Peter said.

"Six blocks away from us", May said.

"I, uh, need a new backpack", Peter said.

"What?", May said.

"I need a new backpack", Peter repeated.

"That's five", May said.

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