Chapter 6

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~After dinner~

Me and Peter walked towards my house and we stopped at the front door.

"Guess this is my stop", I said.

"Yeah", Peter said starching the back of his neck.

"Well, I'll see you at school tomorrow", I say as I hug Peter.

"See ya", he said as he hugged me.

I entered the house and was immediately bombarded with questions by my dad.

"HE'S JUST MY FRIEND DAD", I shouted as I went to my room and prayed that Peter hadn't heard me.

Peter's pov

I walked Lily to her house and we stopped at the door.

"Guess this is my stop", she said snapping me out of my thoughts.

"Yeah", I said as I scratched the back of my neck, I only did that when I was nervous.

"Well, I'll see you at school tomorrow", she said as she hugged me.

"See ya", I said as I pulled away from the hug and watched her enter her house.

I turned around to leave when I heard Lilith shout.

"HE'S JUST MY FRIEND DAD!", I heard her shout.

I chuckled to myself and walked home. I put back on my spider suit and started my usual patrol. I went to Lilith's house and went onto her balcony. She suddenly opened it and fell backwards.

"Oh my god I am so sorry, I didn't mean to scare you", I said going to help her.

"It's okay, I didn't know you were going to be on my balcony", she said as she took my hand and stood up.

"I know, it's totally my fault", I said.

"So, what's Spider-boy doing stalking pretty girls through balconies?", she asked leaning on the door frame.

"Spider-man, and I'm not stalking pretty girls, not saying that you're not pretty, your gorgeous, I mean you're pretty good looking", I said.

Nice save.

"Okay Spider-man. Hey, do you mind showing your favourite spot to sightsee, I've been meaning to get some inspiration for my art", she said as ran inside her room and came back with a black book.

She showed me some of her sketches and they were pretty good, one that caught my eye was a sketch of me in my old costume.

"These are amazing", I say.

"Okay, I'll take you to my secret spot only if you draw me and I keep it", I said to her.

"Sure, totally", she said.

I held out my hand and she took it. I told her to put her book and pencil in my bag and she did. She then jump up and wrapped her legs around my waist and put her arms around my neck.

"I hope this okay?", she asked.

"Yeah, no, no, it's fine", I say as I shoot a web and look at her.

"Hold on and don't scream", I say as we jump off the balcony.

"Why would I screeeeeeeeeeeam", she screamed as we flew off the balcony.

"I told you not to scream", I chuckled as I continued to swing us both.

She buried her face into my shoulder and looked up and was completely mesmerised.

"This is not as bad as I thought", she shouted.

A smile appeared on her face and suddenly she jumped out of my arms and fell. I quickly jumped down after her and caught her before she hit the ground. We eventually got to the spot and I put her down.

"That was awesome", she said as she spun around.

"Uh, yeah, if almost falling to your death is awesome, sure", I said panting.

"Well, I knew you were going to catch me anyways", she said walking towards me.

She took my bag and got her book and pencil out but accidentally pulled out my hoodie. She just shrugged and went to the edge of the building and sat down while swinging her legs.

"Whacha drawing?", I asked as I sat next to her.

"You and me", she said not looking up from her sketch pad.

I looked at the sketch pad and she pulled it away from my view.

"Hey, I just wanna see", I said innocently.

"Nope, not until I'm, done", she said as she shoved the sketch pad in my face.

I looked at the drawing and it was a picture of me and her swinging through the streets of Queens.

"This is awesome", I said as she tore out the page to give to me.

She suddenly stood up and turned around and walked to the emergency door. She then turned around and ran towards me and jumped off the building. I jumped after her and caught her with my webs as I stood on the side of the building. I pulled her up and soon we were face to face.

"Why do you keep doing that?", I asked.

"Because, I wanna know if I can trust you", she said.

"But you can", I said.

"I know, but, I also always wanted to jump off a building", she said.

"Heh, you are very fearless", I said as I shot a web and pulled us both back to the top of the building.

"Well, it's getting late and I have school tomorrow", she said as she put her book and pencil in my bag.

"Oh yeah, I also gotta get going, I'll drop you off", I said but with every step I took she took one back.

"Lily. Don't", I said.

She froze when I said that and just stood there. I approached her and she jumped onto me not saying a word. I swung her back to her house. We finally got to her house and I put her down. I got her book and pencil and gave it to her and she took them. She went inside her room but turned around.

"By the way, how did you know my name?", she asked raising an eyebrow.

I started to panic but came up with an excuse, "Oh, well, Mr Stark told me, he said you were his new assistant, right?".

"Oh right, yeah, I am his new assistant and you work for him, which would explain how you know my name", she said as she sighed in relief.

"Goodnight Spidey", she said and went inside.

I shot a web and swung back home. I removed my spider suit and put on my pyjamas. As I laid in bed I thought about Lilith.

Was I falling for this girl? No, of course not. You can't fall in love with someone you just met. Right?

Sorry for the long chapter. It probably will happen again.



Fallen from Heaven (Peter Parker)Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ