Chapter 3

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~Time skip to lunch~

Me, Ned and Peter found an empty table and we started to eat our food when suddenly Peter stopped and stared at someone. I looked back and noticed he was staring at a girl hanging up a poster for homecoming.

"Did Liz get a new top?", Peter asked with his head resting on his hand.

"No, we've seen that before, but never with that skirt", Ned replied.

"We should probably stop staring before it gets creepy", Peter said.

"Too late"

"Too late"

Me and a girl said at the same time, I looked at the other side and saw a curly haired girl sitting reading a book.

"These guys are losers", she said staring at me.

"I know", I say.

"Well then why do you sit with us?", Ned asked.

"Probably cause she has no friends", I say standing up and going to sit across from the girl.

The girl looked at me and asked.

"Which is better, books or movies?"

"Obviously books", I say.

She smiled and held out her hand for me to shake and I took it.

"Michelle Jones, but my friends call me MJ", she said.

"Lilith, but my friends call me Lily", I say.

"Traitor", Ned shouted at me.

The bell rang and the hallway filled with students and me, Peter, Ned and MJ ran towards the hall. I took my seat on the stage next to Ned while Peter went to talk with Mr Harrington as Liz asked us questions.

"Next question, what is the heaviest naturally-occurring element?", Liz asked.

"Hydrogen's the lightest, that's not the question. Okay", one person said.

I rang my bell and answered.

"Uranium", I said.

"Correct. Great job Lily", Liz said.

"Yes", I said as I gave a fist bump to Ned.

"Please open your books to page 10", Liz said.

"Peter, it's nationals. Is there no way you could take one weekend off?", Mr Harrington asked Peter.

"I can't go to Washington. If Mr Stark needs me, I have to make sure I'm here", Peter said.

I had no idea he worked for THE Tony Stark.

"You've never been in the same room as Tony Stark", Flash said.

"Wait. What's happening?", Cindy asked.

"Peter's not going to Washington", a girl on the floor said.

"No. No, no, no", Cindy said.

"Why not?", Abraham asked.

"Really? Right before nationals?", Liz asked.

"He already quit marching band and robotics lab", MJ said.

Everyone including me looked at MJ questionably.

"I'm not obsessed with him. Just very observant", she said.

"Flash, you're in for Peter", Liz said.

"I don't know. I gotta check my calendar first. I got a hot date with Black Widow coming up", Flash said.

Abraham rang his bell and said, "That is false".

"What'd I tell you about using the bell for comedic purposes?", Mr Harrington asked.

~Time skip to the end of the day~

"Hey Lily", Ned shouted as I walked out of the school.

"Would you like to go over to Peter's to build the Lego Death Star?", he asked.

"Sure, let me just ask my parents when I get home" I said.

"Great! Let me give you mine and Peter's number and you should text me when its confirmed", he said.

I gave him my phone and he put both his and Peter's number in.

"Until tonight malady", Ned said while bowing.

"Yes, indeed milord", I say while curtsying.

We both waved bye to each other and I continued on my way home. I knew a shortcut through an alleyway to my house so I went through there. After a few minutes of walking I was pushed against the wall by a man in a black outfit and who reeked of alcohol.

"What's a pretty girl like you doing in an alley like this?", he said in a deep voice.

My instincts activated and I kicked him in the shin and punched him hard in the face, so hard that he fell unconscious. I quickly used one of my spells to block off the alleyway from both entrances so no one would see what I was doing. I took off my backpack and revealed my big, beautiful wings. I knelt down beside the man and took out of his head the memories of me he had. When I used the memory spell on people, their memories would float over my hand in a small ball of light and I would be able to see them all. As I threw the memory up it disappeared into thin air. I suddenly heard a thud behind me and I covered my face with my right wing and used a spell to freeze the person. I peeked through my wing and Spider-Man was standing in front of me.

"Oh my gosh, I am so sorry, I thought you were a bad guy", I say removing my wing, blushing in embarrassment, and unfreezing Spider-Man.

"Whoa, that was weird", he said as he unfroze.

He then looked up and started to freak out.

"I can't see your face, it's like blurred, do I need to start wearing my glasses again?", he said.

"No you don't, I just put a spell on you so you don't know who I am", I said.

"What are those?", he asked pointing at my wings.

"Oh these, they're my wings! Wait, I probably shouldn't be telling you this", I say taking back my statement.

"Why not?', he asked raising an eyebrow.

"Cause my parents said if anyone ever found out I would have to erase their memory of me", I say scrapping my feet across the pavement.

"I'm really good at keeping secrets, your wings are safe with me", he said winking.

I chuckled at what he said. I was about to answer when suddenly I got a message from my mum saying to come home.

"Oh, I need to go", I said to Spider-Man.

"See you then", he said.

He shot a web and flew away as I made my wings disappear. I put in my headphones and ran towards my house and saw a very fancy car parked outside. I unlocked the door and went inside.

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