Chapter 2

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~Monday, 5:30 a.m.

I woke and turned off my alarm, I practically jumped out of my bed and got dressed into a nice outfit.

(Outfit above)

I walked out of my room and was instantly hit by the smell of bacon and eggs. As I got downstairs I saw my mum making breakfast and my dad reading a newspaper.

"Morning Angel"

"Morning Demon"

My parents said in unison and they both shot each other death glares. They continued with they were doing as I went towards the nearest mirror and just stared into it looking at my wings. My dad noticed I was staring at my wings and came behind me and hugged me and put his head on mine.

"I know you like to have your wings out but this is just for your protection", my dad said.

"Yeah, I know", I said sounding sad.

"It's just", I continued, "I don't know, what if people think I'm weird or they don't want to be my friend or they just don't like me?"

"Everyone's going to like you my little demon, and if they don't, I'll put in a good word with the Devil", my dad smiling.

My mum came beside my dad and elbowed him in the side. He gave her a look that said 'what-the-hell?'.

"What he means to say is, no one will dislike you because what they don't know is that you have the coolest parents ever", she said in a sincere voice.

My parents always put a smile on my face especially with their small disagreements. I looked at the time and I noticed I had 30 minutes to get to school. I quickly did the hiding spell and my wings instantly disappeared as I said goodbye to my parents. I ran out of the house and got the train that went directly to Midtown High. That was the school I decided to go to since it seemed like a cool school and I was sure to make a lot of friends.

As I got to the school I stood in front of the door and breathed out.

"It'll be fine", I told myself out loud.

I pushed open the doors and was greeted by the voices of students, the smell of sweat and the feeling of teenage hormones. I went to the office and got registered into my classes and went to go find my locker. As I searched for my locker I suddenly tripped over someone feet and fell to the ground.

"Hey newbie, you better look where you're going", said a shrill and high pitched voice.

I got up and was face to face with a brown haired girl with an attitude surrounding her.

"You're absolutely right, I got distracted looking for my locker, I'm Lilith by the way, Lily for short", I say sticking out my hand for her to shake.

She gave me a weird look at my kindness but just brushed it off and walked away.

"I'm sorry but I didn't catch you name?", I say.

"Names Ashley", she said and walked off into the crowd of people.

I just shrugged and continued to try and find my locker when I suddenly bumped into another person. My schedule fell on the floor and I scrambled to the floor to pick it up when I came face to face with the cutest boy I had ever seen. He had brown hair with small curls in it that fell on his forehead and the sweetest smile I ever saw. I slowly got up and spoke.

"Uh, h-hi, I'm Lilith Costello", I say.

"Hi Lilith, I'm Peter, Peter Parker. Are you new? I don't think I've seen you around before?", he asked in a high pitched voice.

"Um, yeah, yeah. I just moved here from..........California".

"Cool. Do you need a guide, cause I'd be happy to show you around the school and Queens sometime?"

"Sure, totally, thanks Peter".

"Let me just see your schedule", he said as he took the schedule from my hands.

"Awesome, we have the same classes", he said looking up from the schedule and smiling, "Let me just show you where your locker is".

I followed him through the hallway until we came to a set of lockers with a small chubby boy standing by it.

"Your locker is next to mine", he said pointing to the locker in front of him.

I opened the locker and put the book I didn't need inside as Peter put his as well.

"Join me and together, we will build a Lego Death Star", the boy from before said.

"No way, seriously, how many pieces?", Peter asked intrigued.

"3,449", the boy said.

"Oh by the way this is Lilith, Lilith, this is my best bud Ned", he said introducing us to each other.

"Hi Lilith", Ned said.

"Hi Ned, first of; you can just call me Lily, and second of all; what is a Lego Death Star?", I asked him.

"Like, the Death Star from Star Wars", he asked confused.

"What's that? Is it a historical battle?"

Ned clenched his heart and hung onto Peter for support.

"Okay, when you get permission from your parents, we are so watching all the Star Wars movies", Peter said.

The bell rung and we quickly got to class. Most of the classes where boring and nothing really happened in them but Ned and Peter were very helpful with helping me find my way around.

Fallen from Heaven (Peter Parker)Where stories live. Discover now