Chapter 16

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The symbol on Spider-Man suit came off and it was revealed to be a drone.

"Wow. Has that been there the whole time? That's awesome," Spider-Man said.

"Locating optimal entry point. Proceed to Southwest window," Karen said.

"Karen, we're on our way," Spider-Man said.

Spider-Man climbed down to the Southwest window with Ivory Wing close behind him. They got to the southwest window and Spider-Man look down and realised how high he was.

"Okay. Oh, my God," Spider-Man said.

"What's wrong? You've reached the Southwest window. Why are you hesitating?" Karen said.

"It's fine. I've just never been this high before," Spider-Man said.

"You have also not reinstalled your parachute so a fall from this height would most likely be lethal," Karen said.

"You could've mentioned that earlier," Ivory Wing said.

Spider-Man then started to kick the glass but it wasn't breaking.

"Why is it breaking?" Spider-Man said agitated.

"It's 4 inch ballistic glass. You'll have to create more momentum," Karen said.

Spider-Man shot a web and lowered him self down onto the glass. He then proceeded to jump back and forth kicking the glass trying to break it. It started to crack but the police came in a helicopter.

"This is DC Metro police. Identify yourselves," they said.

"My friends are in there! Stop!" Spider-Man shouted.

"Return to the ground immediately," they said as they pointed a gun at Ivory Wing and Spider-Man.

"Okay, who is next?" Mr Harrington said.

"Me, it's my turn," Flash said in a hurry.

"Flash, seriously? What are you doing?" Ned said.

"Don't worry about the trophy," Liz said.

"Stand down! Return to the ground immediately," the police officer said again.

Spider-Man then started to climb up to the top of the monument while still being pointed at by the gun.

"Return to the ground or we will open fire!" they said.

"You've got this," Ivory Wing encouraged.

"Take my trophy," Flash said selfishly.

"This is your last chance," they said again.

"I'm going to die," Spider-Man said as he jumped off the monument.

As he jumped off the monument his wings opened up on his suit. He then shot the web at the helicopter legs and swung towards the ballistic glass. As he headed towards the glass broke immediately. Ivory Wing followed him inside through the broken window. Spider-Man had slid on the floor and managed to catch the elevator before it fell.

"I did it. Whoa!" Spider-Man said as he thought he had victoriously caught the elevator.

The elevator started to fall again pulling Spider-Man with it. He fell for a while until eventually the elevator got stuck on some bars in the shaft. He fell through the hole in the elevator and landed on the elevator floor. The elevator started falling again and Spider-Man shot a web at the top of the elevator shaft and stopped it. Ivory Wing flew down to help but it didn't get inside the elevator. She made a wings disappear disappear and lowered his herself slowly into the elevator making sure not to make it fall again.

"Hey, how are you doing? Don't worry. I got you," Spider-Man said in a New York accent.

"Yes! Yes," Ned said victoriously.

"Hey, hey. Big guy, quit moving around," Spider-Man said.

"I'm sorry, sir," Ned said apologetically.

Ivory Wing started to use her magic magic to get the people out. She started with Ned, then Mr Harrington. She was about to help Liz when she noticed that Spider-Man had brought them back to the normal level. Spider-Man then lost grip of the elevator and Liz and Ivory Wing plummeted down. Spider-Man quickly shot a web and catching them both. Liz was screaming while Lily used her powers to put her back up.

"You're okay. You're okay," Spider-Man soothed.

Ivory Wing managed to put Liz back up on the level ground while Spider-Man guided her.

"So, is everyone okay?" Spider-Man asked.

"This is your chance, Peter. Kiss her," Karen said.

Spider-Man's web then snapped and he and Ivory wing started plummeting down the elevator shaft. Ivory Wing couldn't reveal her wings because they were too big and they will get caught in the elevator.

"Are you really friends with Peter Parker?" Flash asked.

Ivory Wing used her powers and managed to slow her and Spider-Man down. They landed at the bottom of the elevator shaft and she just looked at him.

"What did Karen mean by kiss her?" Ivory Wing asked angrily.

"It was nothing Ivy," Spider-Man said.

"Really Peter? I don't think it was nothing," Ivory Wing said not realising that she'd called him Peter

"What did you just call me?" Spider-Man asked.

"I called you Spider-Man. What do you think I called you?" Ivory Wing said trying to come up with an excuse.

"No, no. It's nothing I thought you called me-- Never mind. It's nothing. Come on let's go," Spider-Man said.

"I can finish the next order, but without any new materials from that truck," Mason said.

"Yeah, damn it. We still have enough to do the Gargan deal though, right?," Toomes said.

"Yeah, but then that's it. Oh. Maybe it is time that I took the high altitude seal," Mason said.

"Would you shut up about that?" Toomes asked.

"It's only one job," Mason said.

"No," Toomes said.

"Eight years, not a word from the feds, nothing from those Halloween costume wearing bozos up there in Stark Tower. And then all of a sudden, those little bastards in tights show up. And they think they can tear done everything I've built. Really? I'm going to kill them. I'm going to find them--", Toomes said.

"I found them," Schultz said.

"The Spider-Man and his associate Ivory Wing swooped in and heroically saved an Academic Decathlon team from Queens. The identity of the masked heroes is still unknown," the news reporter said on the television.

"Peter. Come here, come here, come here," May said as she hugged Peter.

"Oh, my God, Lily. Thank goodness. Are you okay? Are you hurt?" Dina said frantically.

"I'm fine guys, seriously," Lily said.

"This past weekend, Midtown's Academic Decathlon team defeated the country's best to win the national championship. Later that day, they also defeated death," the school reporter said.

"Explosion. Sally scream. Flash screaming. Everybody screaming," Abraham said to the camera.

"There were purple lasers and smoke. It was **** tight, like a Bon Jovi concert," someone else into the camera.

"As you know, we made it out alive, and that's the important thing. I couldn't bear to lose a student on a school trip. Not again," Mr Harrington said to the camera.

"Thankfully, no one was seriously injured thanks to Spider-Man and his newest partner in crime, Ivory Wing. Thank you Spider-Man and Ivory Wing. Up Next: the Spider-Man and Ivory Wing mania is sweeping the school. How can you show your spider and ivory spirit?" the news reporter said.

Peter smiled as he passed the TV and listened to the news report. He got down the stairs and saw Ned.

"Dude. What is it like being famous when nobody knows it's you?" Ned asked.

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