Chapter 18

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Spider-Man and Ivory Wing headed towards the ferry and hid on the side if the ship. Ivory Wing used her adhesive gloves to stick to the ship and hid her wings. They crawled towards one of the windows and looked inside.

"Okay, Karen, activate Enhanced Reconnaissance Mode," Spider-Man said.

"Sure thing," Karen said.

"He's up front, main deck. I hate that guy," Toomes said.

"It's the guy from the bridge, right? Who's that other guy?" Spider-Man asked.

"Just keep me posted," Toomes said.

"Amber says there's no record of him in her criminal database," Ivory Wing said.

"Incoming call from May Parker. Should I reroute to your heads-up display?" Karen said.

"I can't talk right now. I'll call her back," Spider-Man said.

"Amber, connect AI," Ivory Wing said annoyed.

"Connecting," Amber said as Spider-Man's suit glowed.

"Hey, dronie, keep an eye on that guy. We can't let anybody get away this time," Spider-Man said.

"Dronie?" Ivory Wing questioned.

"Yeah. I thought I would give it a name," Spider-Man insisted.

Ivory Wing shook her head and headed to the top of the ship while Spider-Man followed her. They saw three men standing in a circle looking a bit suspicious.

"Who's the guy on the left?" Spider-Man asked.

"Mac Gargan. Extensive criminal record, including homicide. Would you like me to activate Instant Kill?," Karen said.

"No, Karen, stop it with the Instant Kill already," Ivory Wing said.

"White pickup truck," Schultz said.

"Dronie, scan the ship for a white pickup truck," Spider-Man said.

The drone started to scan the ship and found the white pickup truck in the cargo. It flew down to the truck and scanned the merchandise.

"Oh, this is too perfect," Spider-Man said.

"It's perfect that these dealers have armed weapons on a ship of passengers and innocent civilians?" Ivory Wing said.

"No. We've got the weapons, buyers and sellers in one place," Spider-Man said.

"Incoming call from Tony Stark," Karen said.

"Don't pick up," Ivory Wing said desperately.

"Don't answer," Spider-Man said.

"Mr-- Oh. Spider-Man, Ivory Wing. Got a sec?" Tony said.

"Uh, we're actually at school," Spider-Man said.

"No, you're not," Karen said.

"Do you two know each other? Never mind. Nice work in D.C.," Tony said.

"Okay," Ivory Wing said.

"My dad never really gave me a lot of support and I'm just trying to break the cycle of shame," Tony said.

"Uh, we're kinda in the middle of something right now," Ivory Wing said.

"Don't cut me off when I'm complimenting you two. Anyway, great thing are about to--," Tony said.

Tony was suddenly cut off by the horn of the boat.

"What is that?" Tony asked.

"Uh, we're at band practice," Spider-Man said.

"That's odd. Happy told me you both quit band six weeks ago. What's up?" Tony asked.

"We gotta go. Uh, end call," Ivory Wing said.

"Hey," Tony said.

"I'll take those. Yoink," Spider-Man said as he shot a web and stole the car keys to the white pickup truck.

Spider-Man and Ivory Wing jumped and stood in front of the dealers.

"Hey, guys. The illegal-weapons-deal ferry was at 10:30. You missed it," Spider-Man said.

Spider-Man then shot two webs at the men and threw them back. Ivory Wing then jumped forward and punched another dealer off the boat and Spider-Man shot a web and pulled him back so he hit the deck. While they where distracted Schultz came up behind them and tried to hit Spider-Man ducked and he got stuck in the fence.

"The spider and girl's here," someone said through comms to Toomes.

Some of the bad guys tried to get away but Spider-Man stopped them by shooting a web and throwing them across the boat.

"Are you guys okay? My bad. That was a little hard," Spider-Man said.

"I gotta say, the other guy was way better with the thing. I'm honestly. I'm-- I'm shocked," Ivory Wing said as Spider-Man refilled his web fluid.

Spider-Man then shot a web grenade and the dealer got stuck to the wall. They both then saw Toomes in the cargo hold and were about to run towards him when some men with guns surrounded them.

"Freeze! FBI. Don't move," they said pointing their guns at the two.

"What do you mean, FBI?" Spider-Man asked.

"The FBI is the Federal Bureau of Investigation," Karen said.

"We know what the FBI means, but what are they doing here?" Ivory Wing said.

Suddenly the Vulture emerged from the van and charged towards the two and the FBI agents.

"Get out of the way. Get out of the way!" Spider-Man shouted.

The Vulture shot at the two and they dodged it. They pulled the agents out of the way so that they didn't get hit. Spider-Man got hit by a car as the Vulture made his escape. The Vulture started to shoot at the two.

"Get to the top deck. We're getting out of here," Toomes said.

Spider-Man shot a web at Schultz but the Vulture shot the weapon at his web and it broke. Spider-Man shot another web at the Vulture's foot and managed to stop him from flying away. Ivory Wing grabbed Spider-Man's arm and helped him pull the Vulture. The FBI agents started to shoot at the vulture and he shot the weapon at them. Spider-Man shot at web at the car behind him and connected the web with the one holding the Vulture. As the Vulture flew away he dragged the car with him. The Vulture tried to hit Spider-Man and Ivory Wing but he missed them as they jumped up from the bottom deck to the top one. Ivory Wing then activated her web shooters and shot a web at the Vulture's other foot.

"Don't ask," she said to Spider-Man while struggling to pull the Vulture.

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