Chapter 14

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"What was that?", Peter asked the suit while running behind the gas station with Lily.

"Taser webs", the suit said.

"Taser webs? I don't want Taser webs", Peter complained as he and Lily jumped on the roof.

"You seem to be unfamiliar with your web-shooter settings", the suit said.

"No Shit Sherlock", Lily whispered.

"Would you like to run a refresher course?", she asked.

"No. Just-- You choose", Peter said.

"Sure thing", the suit said.

Suddenly three van passed by the gas stations.

"I got a visual", Schultz said.

"Green light, green light", Mason said.

The Vulture then appeared from the sky.

"Oh, that's him", Peter said.

The Vulture approached one of the vans and started to lower himself down.

"Okay. I got eyes on the convoy. Pulling in behind the caboose", the Vulture said.

"Deploy anchors", Mason said as the Vulture landed on the van.

The Vulture then threw four small devices on the top of the truck and a purple portal opened showing the inside on the truck. The Vulture then dropped down from his wings and inside the van. He started looking around at all the goods he could get. He opened one of the cages and look around. On top of the van, Spider-Man and Ivory Wing were looking through the portal. They put their hand to touch the portal and their hands went through.

"Whoa, cool. It's like some kind of matter phase shifter", Lily said.

The Vulture got his goods and came out of the van. Spider-Man then shot a web and pulled the bag towards him and Ivory Wing.

"Hey, Big Bird. This doesn't belong to you", Peter said.

The Vulture then looked at the both of them menacingly.

"Oh, God", Peter said.

The Vulture jumped back and connected with his metal wings and charged at the both of them. They jumped up so they wouldn't get hit. Spider-Man then shot a web at the Vulture but it split into two and didn't hit him.

"Suit lady, what was that?!", Spider-Man panicked.

Lily decided to be useful and started fight the Vulture, kicking and punching him in the face while Spider-Man sorted out his web-shooters.

"You told me to choose", the suit said.

"What? No, just set everything back to normal", Peter said.

"Activating all systems", the suit said.

As Spider-Man was tugging the bag the Vulture let go and he pushed himself and Ivory Wing inside the van. They got up and jumped thinking the portal was open only to hit their heads on the van ceiling and they became unconscious.

A few hours later Spider-Man woke up to the sound of rumbling outside.

"My head", he said.

"You appear to have a mild concussion. Ivory Wing's is more severe", the suit said.

Spider-Man looked to his right and saw Ivory Wing knocked unconscious with her forehead bleeding.

"Is she going to be okay?", Peter asked.

"Yes. She just needs rest is all", the suit said.

Spider-Man came to his senses and realised the situation.

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