Chapter 10

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Third person pov

"Stay close to the ground, what is he talking about?", Peter said to himself as he walked through the neighbourhood where he was dragged by the van.

He suddenly stopped and saw a purple glow coming from the ground and he saw a device with a purple gem. He approached it and saw it was a destroyed weapon. His phone suddenly rang and he got it out to see it was Ned calling him.

"Hey man, what's up? I'm on my way back", Peter said.

"Actually, I was calling to say maybe you shouldn't come, listen to this", Ned said.

Then Peter heard Flash chanting through the phone.

"When I say "penis", you say "Parker", Flash chanted.



"Sorry, Peter, I guess we're still losers, I'll see you tomorrow", Ned said.

"I'll see you tomorrow in school", Peter said as he hung up.

Peter put his phone away and picked up the weapon looking at it quizzically.

Meanwhile at the Vulture's warehouse he returned with his suit.

"Idiots", the Vulture said.

"Idiots, Idiots!", he said again as he threw him helmet across the room.

"Boss?", Mason the technician said.

"Your wife keeps texting you. Something about a brake light", Mason said.

"What'd I tell you about looking at my phone?", Toomes said.

"Oh, sorry. You left it out. You know I'm a curious person by nature", Mason said as Toomes took his phone agitated.

"I finished designing the high-altitude vacuum seal", Mason continued.

"Huh?", Toomes said.

"In case you want to, you know, go for the big one?", Mason asked.

"You're still on that? I told you, no. The answer's no. Forget it", Toomes reminded.

The van that Ivory Wing and Spider-Man chased came back in bad condition scrapping the broken door on the floor.

"Ha-ha-ha! Whoo!", the first guy said hanging from the back.

He got down and approached Toomes slowly.

"I mean, that was badass. Ha", he said.

"How many times have I told you not to fire them out in the open?", Toomes said.

"You said, move the merchandise", he said.

"Under the radar. Under the radar! That's how we survive. If you bring Damage Control or the Avengers down here, we're through. You're out there wearing that goofy thing, lighting up cars calling yourself the Shocker. "I'm the Shocker. I shock people". What is this, pro wrestling?", Toomes said.

"Ah, whatever, old man. Come on", he said walking away.

"Look. I know you don't give a crap about anything. But I do. I built this whole place because I got people I have to look after", Toomes said.

"Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah", he said.

"You know what? I can't afford your bullshit. Get out of here", Toomes said.

"What?", he said.

"You're done. You're off the crew", Toomes said.

"Yeah, all right. All right. Heh. Wonder if you can afford me out there, though, right? With everything I know", he said threateningly while walking away.

"Excuse me?", Toomes said.

"Uh, I'm just saying maybe your wife would like to know where you really get your money from", he said.

"You know what?", Toomes said.

"What?", he said.

"You're right", Toomes said looking at the table full of weapons.

"I can't afford that", Toomes said as he picked up a weapon and shot it at the guy.

It shot at him and he turned into dust immediately. 

"I thought this was the antigravity gun", Toomes said.

"What? No, that's that one", Mason said.

Toomes approached the guys ashes and picked up the weapon he had dusting of any remaining ashes on it.

"Here ", Toomes said throwing the weapon to the third guy.

"Now you're the Shocker. Go out there and find that weapon he lost", Toomes said. 

"All right", he said.

~Third person pov~

~The next day~

Peter was in the workshop class trying to get the purple glowing gem out of the weapon he got the previous night. He continued to hit the hammer on it and was finally able to get one of the pieces off. He picked it up and put it to the side. Ned appeared at his side.

"Hey, thanks for bailing on me last night", Ned said angrily.

"Yeah, well, something came up", Peter said signalling his head towards the weapon.

Ned looked down and saw the weapon and said, "What is that?"

"I don't know. Some guy tried to vaporise me with it ", Peter said trying to pull the purple gym out.

"Seriously?", Ned said.

"Yeah ", Peter said.

"Awesome", Ned said as Peter looked at him.

"I mean, not awesome. Heh, totally uncool that guy. So scary", Ned said.

"Well, look, I think it's a power source", Peter said still struggling to get the gem out.

"Yeah, but it's connected to all these microprocessors. That's an inductive charging plate. That's what I used to charge my toothbrush", Ned said.

"Whoever is making these weapons is combining alien tech with ours", Peter said.

"That is literally the coolest sentence anyone has ever said. I just wanna thank you for letting me be part of your journey into this amazing--", Ned said.

Peter swung the hammer back and it managed to knock out the purple gem. They both paused looking at the teacher in charge.

"Keep your fingers clear of the blades", the teacher said not even caring.

"I gotta figure out what this is and who makes it ", Peter said facing his attention back to the weapon.

"Maybe we should ask Lily. She seems to know a lot about this sort of stuff", Ned suggested.

"No. We are not dragging Lily into this", Peter said.

"Fine. We'll go to the lab after class and run tests then", Ned said.

Peter and Ned then did their secret handshake which was incredibly long for no reason. 

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