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The 1975 - Somebody Else

I was so thankful that Sasha got me out of my dorm every day. She introduced me to the most prized couple on campus, Ymir and Tori. They're the definition of an ideal relationship. Everyone adores them.

In some ways, Ymir reminded me of Eren. However, she wasn't a fuckboy, nor was she unpleasant company to keep (in my eyes, at least, but I learned that Eren didn't like her). Similarly, she was extremely self-assured and hot-headed, the first trait of which influenced me to behave similarly.

Tori was perfectly saccharine and loving. Their contrasting attitudes would drive you to the conclusion that they'd never be friends, let alone date. But — yes, au contraire — they blended together seamlessly as a match made in heaven.

Anyways, as it turns out, sharing a dorm room with Eren proved more difficult than I expected it to be.

As the roommate of a fuckboy, you find yourself explaining to many girls that you are his roommate, please calm down and (most annoyingly) you find yourself waking up at 3 AM when he returns from... wherever he was, whoever he was with. 

As an added bonus, you also catch the scent of sex and spicy cologne that pollutes this cramped dorm room. 

Eren often taunted me about my prudishness, and sometimes I didn't recognize that it was a joke, because he was so deadpan all the time. We existed on different planets, I realized, because we just couldn't connect. Speaking proved a tedious task when it was with him.

I may have poked fun at him every now and then — unfortunately, he was over-sensitive and took each comment to heart. That sparked a lot of arguments between us. I'd be indulging in my favorite past-times, then we'd begin a conversation (well, conversation is a hefty term) and then it would collapse at some point into a truly stupid argument.

"You're a prude" 

"You're a womanizer" 

"Fuck you." 

"Fuck you, too."


Professor Levi always talked in that drawling voice — further proving my theory that he was our local Severus Snape.

His lecture room was never dusty. He was, as we learned, the biggest neat freak in town. 

Something that intrigued me about Levi was that he and Professor Hange and Principle Erwin were once comrades in the military back in the day.

He had a scar running down his eye to show the brutality of the war he fought in.

I peeled my attention off the lecture and applied it instead to Eren.

His features were perfectly captured in the afternoon light that spilled in through the tall windows.

My mind was strolling through endless fantasies of me being that lucky girl in the story that catches his attention. Then I was interrupted.

"Miss L/n — " Levi sighed in annoyance, " — please pay attention, this will be showing up in your finals."

Oh shit.

"Sorry, sir."

He seared my face with a calculating stare, then resumed teaching.

Levi and Erwin were part of the Local Dilfs Club in our college — credit to Sasha for coining the name.

They were unnecessarily hot for forty-somethin'-year-olds.

When the lecture was over, I packed my books away sluggishly, as if to tell Sasha hey come over and talk to me.

Daddy / Armin x Eren x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now