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Magdelina Bay - Killshot

The sun pierced through thin slit between the curtains and flooded our dorm room with a hazy morning light.

I squirmed my sluggish legs under my covers. 

A hangover washed over my body, reducing me to a sluggish glob. I remained still, because I heard Eren was awake. His pen scratched at some paper, I assumed he was taking notes for class. 

I collected the fragmented memories of the prior night, and a tidal wave of embarrassment crashed over me. 

I tried to remember past the stupid kissing dare, then I recalled something about taking shots with Sasha and Armin. Oh, Armin...

The blond shone in my mind while I laid in bed.

Since I couldn't remember any further, I assumed I just passed out at some point.

I made a very dramatic groan to let Eren know I was awake.

"Morning." Eren rasped. 

I pulled the blanket down my face to discretely glance over at him.

His hair spilled over his shoulders as he leaned over to write. His morning face was no less pretty than his other faces, because he was just that kind of person. I felt a sense of regret, because I realized I skipped kissing him last night. 

It was odd to see him in the morning, because he was usually out the door before I woke up. He was always busy, and I didn't know with what.

I yawned, then sat up, "What happened last night?"

"You passed out." He said. His eyes didn't leave the paper.

"Yeah, I figured. I was fucking wasted."

"No, you just couldn't handle Jean's snake." Eren said.

I half-yawned, half-laughed, "What? Could you rephrase that?"

"His pet snake." He explained further, "He brought it to show off to everyone, then you passed out."

I observed his hand as he wrote, "Oh... then, how did I get home?"

"I carried you." He said.

I curled my lip in disgust, "Oh."

"You're welcome." He said sarcastically.

"I need a scalding shower to wash off all these sins." I groaned.

"Mhm. You do that." He hummed.

He didn't seem very interested in a morning argument about what happened last night, so I left.


I wasn't the only one needing a long shower. She muttered a sleepy 'morning' through a mouthful of toothpaste. I wondered how she could see out of such puffy eyes.

My attention was captured by the girl next to her. She was dressed quite elaborately for it being eight in the morning. She was clad in all black; black lipstick, black outfit. All black. Despite her gothic fashion choices, she seemed very approachable.

She was styling her hair with great focus in the mirror.

Sasha spat out her toothpaste, "Mika, this is the famous Y/n."

"Oh — oh, hi. I'm Mika." She turned to me and smiled, "So, you're Eren's roomie?"

"Yes, unfortunately." I nodded.

Daddy / Armin x Eren x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now