22 | 𝗔𝗿𝗰𝗮𝗱𝗲.

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The Perfect Girl - Mareux

A fast-paced morning broke out the next day. I would have been more giddy for the arcade tonight if it hadn't been for yesterday's odd encounter with Eren in the stairwell. I woke up and cursed him like you'd curse the Devil himself, then I mused around with Sasha and Tori (through mouthfuls of toothpaste) about the whole thing.

I nicknamed Eren 'the Devil of Paradis' for now, and although it fails to come across in writing, it's more comedic than offensive, especially with the vocal inflection Sasha speaks it with.

Tori was spending the day with Ymir, and told us she'd be sleeping in her dorm tonight. With that, we three descended the stairwell with groggy faces and parted ways at the dorm entrance. Sasha yawned excessively, and I quoted Kerouac and said "Don't yawn" and she smiled.

Mika was meeting up with us at the cafe. I dished yesterday's gossip to Sasha while we took lazy strides across campus center. She was waving her hands dismissively at my theories that Connie was rude to Nico because he thinks Nico likes Sasha. Ah, what I'd give to be in such oblivion, I thought.

We marveled the bustle of life on the streets this Saturday morning. The clouds threatened snow, but it was only ever threats. The air was so cold I thought it might freeze me in time if I didn't keep moving.

I quickly texted Armin the usual goodmorninghowareyous (which he always reciprocated with witty sarcasm; he was not a morning person). I smiled at my screen and forbade Sasha from peering at it.

We got into the cafe and greeted Mika. Words can't describe how murky her atmosphere was. She was especially withdrawn, not just from us but the whole environment.

Sasha sparked the air with her vivacious attitude, though, and we ordered many rounds of morning coffee (demanding student discounts which got the owner a bit distraught because we were ordering a lot of coffee).

I considered sending the nude to Armin. It was practically historical in my eyes; the photo that brought a Devil to me and so screwed me over. My thumb lurked over the send button, then away from it, then over it again.

I decided against sending it right then, but promised myself to send it before the end of the night. I mused at the idea of sending it to Armin while we were in the middle of the arcade. I'd get to see the blush burning his ears off.

It really was a scrambled sort of morning. Coffee was impatiently drunk, words were haphazardly tossed into the air; topics flying all over the place. It was all what'd Connie say? and Mika, what's the matter? and Zeke's having troubles with Pieck again? and ArminErenArminEren.

But despite the bullet train of topics in our conversation, Mika was barely interested and kept her responses to a curt minimum.

I knew it was because of Jean, and so I blurted out something stupid like, "Just stop thinking about him." which was blatantly hypocritical of me to say. Mika didn't like that. It was the first time she directed annoyance at me through her eyes. They narrowed more than usual.

We brought the cafe expedition to an end, and Mika retreated to campus in a huffing rush. Sasha slung an arm over me and spoke,

"I'll tag along tonight. I can't let my sweet y/n be with those three wolves alone." She said.

I laughed. The way she said it wasn't offensive, just comical. Especially because of her accent. Sasha can get away with saying just about anything, even if it's right to your face.

We retreated to campus, too, but when we reached the gate, Sasha got a message from her dad. He wanted to meet up at the cafe to check in on her.

Sasha groaned very dramatically. I'm sure her feet groaned, too, for they'd have to set out for the cafe we just trudged back from.

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