8 | 𝗠𝘆 𝗱𝗿𝘂𝗻𝗸 𝗯𝗲𝘀𝘁 𝗳𝗿𝗶𝗲𝗻𝗱.

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Joji - Slow Dancing In the Dark

"My bestie got the D!" Sasha bellowed as soon as Armin and I returned to the living room.

"Sasha!" I cried out.

"Gross." Connie scrunched his nose.

Armin smiled timidly, his demeanor sharing no semblance to the dominance I previously witnessed behind closed doors. I felt special, for some reason, because it felt like I got to see a side of him no one else got to see.

"So, how was it?" Reiner laughed.

I cried out in embarrassment, "We didn't — !"

Armin's smile faded when he noticed the absence of his best friend. When Eren isn't in the room, you can really feel the difference. It's like a huge weight is lifted.

"Is Eren in the bathroom?" Armin asked.

"No, Eren left, like, twenty minutes ago." Jean said.

Armin sighed, "How drunk was he?"

"Drunk." Connie said, dragging the vowel long enough to answer Armin's question.

"I tried to stop him, but Ymir stopped me." Mika said.

"As I should." Ymir scowled, "For God's sake, you're not his babysitter, Mika."

Mika's face showed meekness of spirit and veiled guilt.

Armin rubbed his face in a distressed manner, "Did he at least say where he was going?" He asked.

"He's probably down the street, by the 7-Eleven." Tori said, "He definitely didn't wander back to campus all by himself, it's too far."

"I'll go look for him." Armin said.

"I'll come with you." I said quickly.

"Yes, Y/n, chase that Armin D!" Sasha cooed drunkenly.

"Sasha, you're a mess." Connie shook his head, then urged her to lay down because she was swaying.

I smiled at them.

"Don't bring Eren back with you." Ymir scowled, "It's nice and peaceful without him."

"Ymir!" Tori scolded.

Armin was tugging on his bruised-up Chuck Taylors, hurriedly lacing the first one while he maintained his balanced on one leg.

"I'll —  take — him — back — to — campus — " Armin's balance faltered " — I'm taking this." He grabbed a small blanket, " — 'cause he's gonna be freezing."

I nodded, "Well, so will we."

Armin's eyes swam in mine for a second, then we left Jean's house.

Journey - Lights

Armin showed veiled anxiety while we walked down the street. I couldn't keep up, so I had to trot to meet him.

"Slow down." I nudged his shoulder, "I can't take long strides like you."

An apologetic look flashed across his face.

"Sorry." He said, then took my hand in his.

He laced his fingers with mine. Feeling his smooth, cool fingers interlace with mine sent a euphoric rush through my mind that was better than any sexual high.

"Eren?" Armin called out into the night, but received no response from the sleeping neighborhood.

The 7-Eleven's neon sign illuminated the dark-washed neighborhood. It was especially dark that night, granted it was a new moon, so the neon lights stood out more than they usually would have. Car headlights blinded me, distant storefronts that were still open at this odd hour were flickering like stars in the distance.

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