18 | 𝗗𝗲𝘃𝗶𝗹.

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No One Like you - jess_xd

"Hey." He said.

I felt my soul squirming in response to his overwhelming presence. Eren's eyes seemed to glint with a condescending hue, which spiked my level of embarrassment. I concealed it calmly, and decided to provoke him in hopes of quelling the intense sensuality that he radiated.

"You're pathetic," I quickly mocked, "You came back just 'cause of some tits? Seriously?"

Eren's temper was mute tonight. I could tell that I needed to make a great effort in order to bring out his resentment, because his sexual desires were smothering it.

"You're one to talk." He said smoothly, giving me a look-over, "You're the one sending them to me."

"It was an accident!" I said quickly.

He squinted his eyes skeptically, "I'm sure it was." He said, then sauntered to the edge of my bed.

"Oh my God, seriously, I didn't mean to send it to you." I said.

Eren stared at me intensely, "Then who was supposed to receive it?"

I tensed up, "That's not your business." I said quickly.

His sensuality was simmering down, but it was still prominent. I thought it was a good idea to dilute it completely by sparking an argument, but I quickly regretted triggering his temper.

We stared tensely at each other. Eren's irises knew who was supposed to receive it, and they warned me that I majorly fucked up.

"You've got some fucking audacity," He seethed, "I told you to stay away from him, but you can't seem to fucking listen, huh?"

I thought I'd weaken under his overwhelming tone, but I felt a surge of anger carry me into our battle.

"Oh, I've got audacity?" I scoffed, "But you're telling me to stay away from him like you're his mother?"

"Y/n, I am not fucking joking, alright?" He narrowed his eyes at me, "You're not allowed anywhere near him, okay? I'm not letting someone like you fuck him up."

That 'someone like you' comment really chipped at me.

I raised my voice, "Oh! I'm not allowed to fuck who I want but you are?"

Eren opened his mouth to retaliate, but I cut him off, " — Like your ex? You know I could be the same as you, and police your lifestyle."

"How the fuck do you know she's my ex?" He furrowed his brows at me.

I immediately backpedaled, "I don't — it's — I was just assuming — " I staggered, but I was fucked and I knew it.

A choking silence passed, then Eren broke it.

"You're a fucking hypocrite." Eren spat, and I tensed up my shoulders as he asserted his position close to the edge of my bed, "You say it's not my business who you're sending nudes to but you have no problem intruding my privacy?"

"I'm not intruding on your privacy!" I protested.

He propped a knee on the edge of my bed and leaned on it menacingly, "Then how the hell do you know she's my ex?"

"I — I didn't, like — fucking — go out of my way to learn that she's your ex — people just talk." I staggered, my mind short-circuiting at the increasing proximity between us.

"You mean you and your girls gossip." He sneered, "You act like you're still a fucking high schooler."

I squeezed my tongue between my molars to hold back retaliations that would have heightened his already frightening anger.

Daddy / Armin x Eren x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now