Chapter 8

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I'm wearing my comfy matching sweatpants and sweater today and pulled my hair up in a ponytail.

Ivy and I are sitting on her couch with a cup of tea in our hands. I just told her everything that happened last night. Including the fingering and knife play.

Her cheeks are dark red and her mouth hangs open. Yeah... what do you say after that.

"Wow." She just says. That will do.

"Yeah. I just can't wrap my head around it. It was hot and scary and makes me only more curious." I groan.

"Your interests are the total opposite of mine, so I don't really know what to tell you. All I can say is, don't do anything that makes you feel uncomfortable. You need to really discuss this with them and don't let them murder you." I laugh at the last part.

I set our cups down and pull her into a tight hug. "I love you so much, Ivy." I say and she hugs me back.

"So, how are things with you and Lucas?" I ask and she smiles brightly.

"Really great! I already told you that we're thinking about moving in together. And we also talked about getting a dog." She says sheepishly.

"Oh Ivy, please take it easy. What happens when you split up? Where does the dog go? You really need to think about all of that first." I say and she quirks an eyebrow.

"Yeah, yeah. I'm being hypocrite. But as you said, we're total opposites. Just maybe not in this situation. You're thinking about moving in and getting a dog only after 3 months. And I'm thinking about having sex with four men. Both our lives are changing drastically." I say and see her cringe.

"Please don't compare our situations. They're both completely different." She laughs.

Yeah, okay. She's right.

"Hey! Why don't we go to an animal shelter? We don't have to get anything, but it might help us to clear our minds and I heard cuddling animals could." The idea plopped into my mind and Ivy jumps up excitedly.

"Oh I like that! Let's go." She grabs my arm and drags me off the couch.


"Oh my god! Look how cute he is." Ivy says with a baby voice. I love animals, but I never really considered getting one.

I don't have the time for a dog, but maybe a bird or cat... "Do they also have cats?" I ask while Ivy starts cuddling with three different dogs.

"Yeah, I saw a sign at the end of the hall." She says. "Okay, I'll be there." I say and start looking for the sign.

I find the room and walk into it. There're at least fifty cats in here. Most of them just laying around and some young ones chasing little balls.

If I die and can come back as an animal, I hope it will be a cat. I'm already picturing myself as a one, lying in the sun. Just chilling and eating. No guys to worry about.

My eye catches a black cat who's exactly doing what I would do. Laying in the sun.

I walk towards it and it opens its eyes. It meows and stands up. When it's near me, it lays down again on my feet and starts purring.

I squat down and stroke its belly. I like this one.

"Otis never lets someone touch him." Someone says behind me.

I turn around and see a woman looking shocked. "He just came to me and threw himself at my feet." I say and the woman looks at me like I'm speaking another language.

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