Feb 16th 2022

19 0 4

Before I start, I'm just going to say this isn't going to be a daily thing. It's going to be a weekly thing on Sundays because I do online classes for an hour and then I have the computer after that. Probably in the holidays, will it become more frequent. I'm just procrastinating because I don't want to do my German homework.

Yep. I have holiday homework. I've got this and Computer Science. Well computer science, I don't think is necessary but to me it is because I suck at coding and it's 50% of GCSE's. Great, am I right? 

I regret taking Computer Science because I thought i wanted to do something in Tech, but now I don't want to. So I'm stuck with this. I mean the theory is fine but the coding is not.  So I really need to do that. I mean, I didn't have any preferences for my choices. I took German for MFL (Modern Foreign Languages) and Geography for humanities. Both of which are mandatory.

If you guys don't live in the UK, I'll give you a quick breakdown:

1. You have you're mandatory subjects: English lit, English lang and Math. 

2. You need to pick one of three sciences: Bio, Chem and Physics.
Some places it might be mandatory to take all three of them like my school does.

3. You need a Humanity and a Modern Foreign Language. Again this can vary from school to school. 

     - Humanities include: Geography, History and in some cases RE. (Religious Education)

     - MFL include: French, German and in some cases only Spanish. Schools have either French and German or only Spanish. Some schools might have more languages but this is as far as I know.

4. Then you have your open and additional choice, where you can pick whatever you want, as long as it's not one you've picked. Additional choice is like an extra choice but in my school it's mandatory.  

And it takes place when you're in Year 11/ 10th Grade/ 15-16 years old. Choose whichever one you understand. 

But yeah. That should be it. 

My choices are:

MFL: German

Humanities: Geography

Open: Spanish

Additional: Computer Science.

To be honest here, I didn't know what to pick.  Like German and Geography were okay because all you had to pick were 1 of 2 in my school, so that's easy. Spanish I took because I wanted to learn Spanish. Ironic because I like the Spanish language and music but want to go to Italy. And Computer Science, you know why. But I originally didn't want it. As in I didn't want it but I was here like, maybe if I want to do this, I'll have this choice.  Now I regret it. I would drop it but it's half way into the year and I don't know what to pick so I can't do anything about it.  

At the moment though, I want to become a journalist or something in journalism. I think it suits me pretty well and my 2 friends agree with me. I want to add their names but I know they're not going to be happy about it. Anyways, they agree with me that it suit's me better because I love writing, proven by my google drive and Wattpad and I love to travel. They can't imagine me in an office job. On the other hand, I can and I don't like it.

I am from Bangladesh and if you're Asian (and maybe African, not sure) you will understand my suffering when I say my mom wants me to be a doctor. Especially South Asian kids, not sure up north. But for some reason, our parents seem hell-bent for all of us to become doctors. I've seen my friends lie about their future career. For example, someone wants to be a flight attendant but lied to his parents about being a doctor. Another friend said she would apply to be a Science Prefect because she's a 'good little brown girl'. 

I seem to be the only one who is not up for this bullshit. I've always been the rebellious person out of the group. Wherever I go, I seem to be the wild one. But I don't get how nobody bothers to go against it. Some people genuinely want to become a doctor. I know someone who wants to be a heart surgeon because their grandfather died from a heart disease or something related to the heart. That I can respect. But everyone else, especially my friends, I don't understand. 

Anybody watched 3 Idiots with Amir Khan. Damn I loved that movie. You'd expect that movie to teach our parents something but nooooooo. They still want their children to be a doctor or an engineer. 

Speaking of Bollywood movies (3 Idiots is a Bollywood movie), I have found a movie to describe me in all aspects. 

Yeh Jawaani Hai Deewani. 

But the movie is basically 3 crazy friends who teach a young medical student to have fun. The guy/love interest Kabir 'Bunny' Thapur is me:

He likes to have fun and is the reckless one. So am I

Want to travel the world. So do I.

Wants to do something in Journalism. So do I.

This boy is the older male version of me, exactly. 

Can you please confirm how true this is? It would be highly appreciated.

But seriously though. That is now my favorite movie. I honestly couldn't relate to a character more.

I'm going to sign out because it's 9:06 pm in the UK at the moment and I need to go.                     

See ya.

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