Apr 10th 2022 - Hangouts + Ramadan

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Hey guys, what's up?

No literal answers.

I should be working right now but my zoom call unexpectedly ended and I'm not calling again, so now I'm here. I've got 12 more minutes of the lesson. 11 now. But I really don't want to carry on writing so yeah.

I've had an interesting week, I guess.

Remember how I mentioned the escape room last entry?

Yeah we were 4 numbers away. 4 numbers.

Do you know the frustration in that?

4 numbers away of escaping and winning and that sucked.

We found the last key and everything but it wasn't going in the lock. Another friend of mine tried but it didn't work and we had less than 30 seconds left. So the timer ran out and the guy came out and led us out. After half an hour.

We asked about the key and when he did, he opened it in one go.

Well, obviously. He works there, of course it'll go in one go.

But when we opened the cabinet, there was a bunch of cards we had to deal with so it didn't really matter if I got the key in anyways because we wouldn't have made it.

I loved that escape room not going to lie.

The only way to escape was to summon ghosts.

I'm not kidding.

In the one we went to, we had to summon different spirits to get out.

It was frustrating and entertaining at the same time and I'm stealing Friend B's idea which she's very happy with.

And thankfully, she didn't invite anybody extra to the group we had. By extra, I mean the two girls I don't like and talked about in the previous entry.

Speaking of Friend B, we went to a nearby park and messed around for a little bit.

We were hanging around the swings, me taking the fish net and she taking the normal one, though she did share the fishnet one with me to. We did leave because there was supposedly other people who wanted to go there so we left to the courts where our brothers were playing. Her brother is 12 and mine is 8.

We're planning to bring my basketball over next time because there football is trash as a basketball. My football works better but oh well.

At one point, the boys decided to come to the playground where Friend B and I returned to and my brother later yelled/sang 'I can believe I can fly' and when we looked up, his shoes were flying through the air. It probably doesn't sound funny here but if you were there you'd understand why we were laughing.

Yesterday was a nightmare.

Last night, I had to go to the mosque for ifthr, or breakfast which is legit in the name. Break Fast. I don't fast so it's basically useless to me. Going there in the first place was a nightmare. We couldn't find my head scarf and I swear I looked like an idiot wearing a large one which my mom wears.

I couldn't look at the two boys that we had to pick up at all.

Like nope, nah dah, absolutely not.

It's annoying because my hair is the one thing about my appearence I actually like. so that being covered up kinda knocked my confidence screw the scarf. That and because I don't know any of this shit.

I'm 15 and I barely know how to pray and then there's the 5 year old I know who can pray perfectly. Nice am I right?

Blame my mom. I did the Qur'an in from 7-9 but I never picked up praying. After that I never learnt how to do anything else because I had to prepare for an entrance exam. 10/11 years old, My mom put me in this arabic school where I failed miserably and when I moved again, she tried to put me in another arabic school which was, quite literally, a school. We had to go there for 4 hours in the weekends. Hell to the Naw was I doing that so I left.

In last Christmas - ish is when I started the basic alphabet again. But trust me, it's anything but basic. Now I changed arabic teachers again.

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