Feb 27th 2022

5 0 0

Hey, what's up?

Don't answer that because I don't like it when people give me literal answers. I just glare at them. 

Some people say 'the sky' or like my friend says 'stress levels'.

She ain't wrong. 

This week has been a little hectic I guess. There was several times I wanted to write on here but I said it was a weekly thing so I had to stick with it. 

My legs are hurting. 

I did stretching at Karate and I pushed myself too hard. At least the pain isn't that bad as it could be, but it still hurts. 

I'm writing a chapter of Roses and I just wrote this little bit about boys and how they don't get the same protection as girls do. Let me quickly copy and paste the paragraph instead of explaining it all over again. 

It mentions rape and suicide by the way. Nothing serious. Just includes those words. No actual scenes or anything but if you're still triggered by it just skip the bold writing. 

"No, but it's unfair," He complained, shrinking in himself, closing his eyes tightly as he receded back into his own world. "They get protection and we boys don't. We can go through all the same abuse as they can but nobody believes us. Because they're girls. And we're boys."

I can't argue with that logic. Girls do get more protection than boys do. Boys, and males in general, have 3-4 times higher suicide rates than the female population. Why? Because nobody believes us. We could get raped or abused and then we're told that boys can't get raped or told to stop whining and be stronger when we're abused. If it were a girl, they would get immediate help. We, on the other hand, don't get the same help. 

Equal rights my ass. 

Just because half the male population are douchebags doesn't mean every male is a douchebag. Just like because half the female population is innocent doesn't mean every female is innocent.

Here's something about me. I'm unbias. Like severely unbias. Even with my friends. If there's a stranger and my friend, I wouldn't choose either. But if I had too, I would side with the person I thought was right. Even if it was the stranger. Doesn't mean I don't care for them as a friend.

So this thing with boys and girls annoys me. If you read the paragraphs above, then you know how I proved how boys don't get the same treatment as girls do. 

By the way, the statistic is true. I searched it up. 

I find it unfair and if I can, I always try to stand up for them too, despite the fact I go to an all-girls school. And especially when most boys at the all-boys school down the road are assholes. 

Key word: Most

And don't ask me why there's an only-boys school and an only-girls school on the same street. 

It's stupid and I don't know why. 

But yeah, it's unfair on them.

My reason for me being unbias is because back when I was younger, I always used to hang out with the boys and was judged by the girls, which was fine because I judged them back. Heck I wasn't even comfortable making friends with the girls until Year 4/3rd Grade. 

Okay, this is a short entry but I have to get ready for a party which I'm not happy about but I don't want to get in trouble.


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