Mar 23rd 2022 - School + other

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It's 10:57pm in the UK right now and I don't know why I'm typing on my phone in bed.

I've got a physics test on Monday which I am very much not happy about. Today Friend B and I went to the park to revise. Originally we were meant to go to Town with Friend A but they were isolating and Friend B couldn't go to Town so we went to the nearby park.

It was very much annoying considering the fact we didn't know if House Badminton was on today and for whatever reason it's after school.

It's stupid but oh well.

Ooh, today we had House Basketball and my form won 24 nil to S and then 8-4 to us against C. So we'll come second or at least joint second because we only lost one game.

Anyway back to my previous point. We didn't know if House Badminton was on and Friend B didn't ask on Tuesday. She had PE 4th period and then she had French while I had Computer Science.

Luckily, she had a lab lesson so we could communicate through teams.

I momentarily forgot to ask her until 20 minutes before school ends because we were going through a presentation but I snuck out to the toilet and texted her.

She did not answer.

It showed that she was online and my texts went through. She just didn't see them.

Afterwards she waited for me as I left the Computer room and told me of the news. We were making plans to go to the park and I almost forgot about Friend D, who I normally walk with after school.

Thankfully I went back before I left school grounds and she came after I had returned.

When Friend B and I went to the park, we brought our physics books and materials.

We only did one page of the workbook.

To be fair, it was just memorising stuff.

My brother was there too. His name is Rio and he's 8 by the way.

He was riding his scooter up and down the path and I accidentally mistaked a teenage boy doing a wheelie as my brother.

How, I don't know. I had brought my laptop and she shared her data so we did some Isaac Physics, which wasn't that bad to be honest.

Then I had this amazing idea to go to the actual playground of the park.

We went and sat in the fish net swing. Obviously, it was a bit of a struggle but then we got it, though it was hard to type on it though.

I decided, and she agreed, to take a break for 10 minutes after we finished one chapter since we were half way through it anyways.

After that, we played on the jungle gym; climbing up on the weird shaped ladder, going down the slide and we swung on the net swing again.

My brother was on there but he decided to get off so it was just me and Friend B.

At one point, we were going so high I almost fell back on the swing. Friend B said that she saw me fly off the seat.

In the end, though, she was the one who fell back.

It was fun and now we want to make it a weekly thing.

Hopefully, it does become a weekly thing because it's so much fun.

There was this one little kid, about 3 years old, who was playing at the other jungle gym, and he was just looking around and stopped at where we were. I did not realise that he saw us when I waved to him. It was so cute the way he waved back at me and when I left 10 minutes later, I went up to him to catch his attention and waved bye. I said:

"Hey, little kid. Little kid." I walked up to him when he heard me. "Bye little kid."

He waved back and said bye to me.

However, he did stop saying bye to me and said hi to some other people and I was just telling Friend B and my brother how that went from bye to hi real fast.

But then he started shouting bye and waved at me, with me waving back until we were out of eyesight. It was so damn cute.

My contacts fell out.

In school.

That was one large subject change.

I got contacts on Monday and had so much damn trouble putting them on.

On Tuesday, it took me 30 minutes to put on.


Yesterday, it took me 20. It was an improvement but I still showed up late to registration because I woke up late. I woke up at 5 to 8 because I completely ignored my alarm after turning it off.

It defeats the point of an alarm but screw it. So 8-8:20 was how long it took for me to put them in and 8:20 is when I leave the house.

Today, though, I did it under 10 minutes.

I'm so damn proud of myself today. And I also showed up to school early. So that was a bonus and so was the fact for the first time I finished an assignment for Computer Science and showed up early to the class.

I was the first. one. there.

Now I'm hoping this luck will be there during the physics test cause I basically screwed this entire term.

Seriously, I don't understand this shit.

Like at all.

Except what I learnt today when I was revising at the park.

Hopefully, if I get a decent grade on the test, then I'll know how to revise in the future and then we can keep going out.

It would be the best.

So now you know I will be doing anything to pass that physics test.

And then chem test right after.

On Thursday.


Note the sarcasm for those who don't speak the language of the sarcastic.

Good night, people.

I want to get sleep early tonight.

It's currently 11:36pm.

So see ya.

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