Apr 4th 2022 - Easter

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It's the Easter Holidays. Yay.

Yeah, I don't know how to feel about it.

On one hand, it's the holidays. I get to chill

On the other hand, I can't see my friends as often, my mocks are coming up and I need to revise and it's Ramadhan meaning we can't go anywhere.

Well, we can but my parents are fasting so it's better not to.

I'm not fasting though. I've had so many people come and ask me how is my fasting going and then the disappointment in their voice when I say I can't fast.

My English teacher from yesterday was an example.

Sorry for not updating yesterday. I wasn't in the mood too.

I'm not in the mood now either but I owe you guys something at least.

Yesterday, in my English tuition, I was so proud of myself.

If you live in the UK, or at least England, you know about the Language Paper in our GCSE's. I always fuck up the 3rd question, aka the structure question. However, yesterday, I analyzed the entire thing, line by line, right to the end. And there were 60 something lines.

I was so damn proud of myself.

English is my favorite subject because it's pretty chill and I love the creativity.

Okay, I like English Language not English Lit. If someone can please describe the difference between Lang and Lit to a non-UK person, please feel free to explain.

In about 39 minutes, I have to get changed to go to an Escape Room for my Friend B's Birthday.

It's going to be so interesting.

Here's the thing.

Friend A is the smart friend.

And they are currently in India for the holidays.

So in a way.

We're screwed.

And because of them, we're one man down and need a last person. The max is 8 people so she might as well go for it.

Here's another thing.

If Friend A was here, there would be no reason to add anybody else.

But they're not here, so there's 2 options left.

And my friend doesn't want to leave one of them out.

And because one of them lives in London, it's easier to choose the other.

But I don't like that person. She hasn't done anything per se but I just don't like her.

So Friend B decided to maybe just choose another friend.

The problem with that is that I can't stand that friend.

I know I'm a great person.

But with her, I have a reason.

Ever since she started school, I always had a bad feeling from her. But I ignored it because she was friends with my friends. But as time went on, it just got worse and worse. Even during first Lockdown, where we conversed through text, it just got worse. After we came back, I noticed she was giving me random glares and was cold to me. And she would ignore me when she came to my form room. (I was in a different form to my friends).

So I got annoyed and dropped out of their radar. As in all my friends. Except one because she sat next to me in every class we had.

It helped even more when we put in Year group bubbles.

That was when I made friends with Friend A and Friend B and we're still friends. I don't talk to my old friends anymore except 1 person, who somehow managed to be in all my classes except one.

Friend B didn't believe me when I said I didn't like her because I helped her with her locker.

But come on.

Just because I don't like her doesn't mean I can't be civil with her.

Unless there's a rule that makes it mandatory to be rude to someone you don't like.

But I've always been the rulebreaker so it doesn't matter.

25 minutes before I have to get up and get changed.

I'm going to sign off because I've lost my motivation to write now.

Bye Bye.

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