Mar 8th 2022 - A drop of tea

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Well, today was messed up. I finished school over 40 minutes ago and about 1 and a half hour ago, I learnt that I failed my German test. Apparently shit didn't make sense. It had have to be the most stressful conversation I've ever had. 

Anyway, a lot had been said today.

So, today, at lunch, we more or less confirmed that someone has a crush on me. Seriously, though, it was slightly amusing and very infuriating if you were the third person there because of how non-cholent I was. 

I've thought a lot about it before because his little brother who's in Year 9 and the boy who has a crush on me being in Year 10 like me, told me he liked me. In a cliche way, it makes sense. Enemies to lover's right? 

Except I don't believe in love. 


Note the sarcasm. 

And guess what?

She happens to be a hopeless romantic.

So we went over this and it made sense but I really couldn't be asked to deal with it. 

I barely even see him so what's the point and he isn't even my friend anymore.

I'm more worried about his brother. 


Because I feel like he has a crush on someone. I got that sort of vibe from him and the last time I got this vibe I was correct, so I wanna ask him. 

I'm not sure how though but I'll figure it out. 

Some random guy wanted to ask me out today too. 

I would give details but someone here *cough*ORIGINALS_XOXO*cough* is going to ask for deets and I'm not about to say anything. 

Because she might blurt it out. 

I'm sorry, girl. I'm not accusing you but I'm not going to risk it, knowing our moms are close. 

Maybe one day if people ask/vote for it then I'll come back and write it. I've written it in a different notebook so I know what happened etc. 

Besides it's kinda what I'm here for.

I failed my German and I'm upset about it. 


I'm not very upset about it, but not happy either.

One thing, about me is that I'm too accepting for my own good. When I mean 'own good', I mean my pettiness. I can move on really easily and just roll with it. You could tell me your'e a murderer, have a bloody knife, show me a real human corpse and I'll barely pay attention to you.

And there are actually people who are like this; people who really couldn't care less if you went on a massacre in front of them. So no I'm not exaggerating.

But yeah, I'm not that surprised. At the same time, I am because everybody got 19/20 or 17/20. 

Shout out to whoever guesses my score.

My friend apparently failed too but my new German teacher is really nice and allowed us to do a retest next Tuesday. I'm not ready. 

Well, obviously! You got told today.

Good point. 

My Year Leader was supposed to see me yesterday and said she was going to get me in the afternoon. 

She got 2 other people.

I just realized I got some tea from my year group. My year, or at least someone in our year, has gotten into trouble every year. 

In year 7: We were chill. 

Year 8: Lockdown became into existence and we got into slight trouble. 

Year 9: Our Year went into isolation for months. Actually I think it's the entire school. But we got even more trouble. End of the year, we got the cops called on us. 

Yes. Cops. 

Some spoilt brat's parents called the cops onto our year for something. Don't know what, but I knew about the drama. The entire year did. 

Year 10: The Burn Book appeared and got exposed. 

Yeah, drama. And loads of tea. 

And chill, I will reveal all the knowledge you have been seeking. Maybe tomorrow or Sunday or weekly or whatnot. 

And then we'll see how I feel about ranting my problems. 

You guys have seen stuff about my friends, partially know about my studies and you still have to see my problems. I'm probably going to start labelling the main themes of the chapter so it's easier to find stuff. 

I'm signing out because I'm losing interest in this that I forced myself to write after 130 something words.


My Life at High SchoolOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz