June 30th 2022 - Mocks

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Yo, what's up?

It's been forever. I haven't written anything since I'm in the middle of mocks. Well tomorrow's my last mock; exams began last Tuesday, on the 21st. I also have two orals, one on July 6th 2pm and the other July 13th 11:30am. German being first and Spanish being second.

I know I'm stupid taking 2.

I'm not sure if it has been said before but I remember 2 years ago, talking to someone and telling them how stupid they were for taking both French and German. And now here I am. Taking Spanish and German.

My German teacher is so nice.

This week I had 5 of 6 language tests and every morning my German teacher wished me good luck. Today she made an effort to come to my form room and wish me good luck and reassured me.

Like damn, woman. Thank you. She also seems to be the only teacher who can catch me out when I'm distracted. She won't even look at me, doing her own thing teaching us on the whiteboard and she'd just be "------ pay attention!".

I'd apologize or just tell her I am.

My Chem teacher could also catch me out but not always.

When I asked my friend if our German teacher came to her to wish her luck, she just gave me a strange look and said "Uh. No." I was surprised but then again, she saw me each of those times so.

Thing is 2 of 5 times my tests were Spanish and she wished me for those too. Man, I love her.

Also. I am now a legend!

Basically, on Tuesday, I didn't read the instructions properly. And that was also the test that I told the invigilator that I had read it.

Anyways, the test was a writing test. Meaning I was given a choice of 2 or 3 themes and I needed to write in said language. That test was German.

So the test was out of 50. I chose one theme and then began writing it. Then I notice the marks and was like hold up. This doesn't add up. So then I realized I had to do all three themes. I began hobbys and then realized I had to do friends and birthday too.

I finished my test early and before everybody else. Which I tend to do. I know that is because I have an exam in a different room. I'm special.

Anyways. I had to go to a different room to wait. I went to said room but it was empty and dark. So I go to the year leader who was next door, and ask her where everybody was.

She just looked at me, point blank, and told me that it was 25 minutes into the study session. It took me 30 to realize what she was talking about and I had to stop myself to scowl at her.

If it's 25 minutes into a study session, I'm sure I would've checked the exam board by now!!!

The exam board told use where we went to study.

Also lady. It was 85 minutes in so I'm pretty sure I would've went to the board earlier.

I had to explain I just came from my test and she told me to go back and people would show up later.

5 minutes later a teacher comes and tells me "Oh you're early. We're just bringing the other students here so you get first pick to sit."

So I did. Someone else came and we spoke and I said that I thought we could choose because that's what we were told.

She then told me that we did; we had to pick 2 out of 3.

My eyes widened and she just stared at me while she took her books out.

"You dimwit. You did all three of them."

Yep I did. Honestly, I would've screwed birthday because we did it last year and not this year.

All you need to know.

My writing test? Bullshit.

I only wrote bull.

Friend B will never see this or even know but I have not been revising for my mocks. At all.

Not during study sessions which is basically all of school excluding tests or at home. I've been doing other stuff. I did do a bit of revision when she was there. If I promised her I would work, I would work. But I never told her how much. One time, when she was with me. She made sure I did revision. I looked up at one point and saw her giving me her 'look'. I lifted my phone and showed her that I was actually working. But the WiFi is dodgy so I told her, when the WiFi started acting up, that I was doing my own stuff, which she couldn't say no to. Well she can but I wouldn't do it cause the WiFi wasn't working.

By the way, I spent my study session writing stuff for TOR and now I'm what? 7 chapters ahead of the story. Perfecto, am I right?

I'm getting distracted so that's my sign to go.


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