frozen candy

106 8 15

Hutao stepped back as her mother started yelling at Albert.

Kazuha grinned, cheering as she shook him violently.

She sighed angrily and dragged him away.

"Never knew mom knew what a 'cheap tiny dicked bastard' looked like.. shes a lesbian right?" Kazuha looked at hutao. "Uh.. I don't know?" She shrugged, walking upstairs.

"Oh, hey you two.. uh bye you two!" She smiled and pushed her way past xingqiu and chongyun. They stood up "well that was something!" Xingqiu smiled, chongyun hugged him "wha-! Oh, uh.." xingqiu hugged him back.

"So now we hide so I don't have to tell mom everything that he has done... you know how hard that can be" chongyun sighed and held xingqius hands.

Xingqiu nodded "lets go to your room!" He smiled, the other grinned and they held hands and ran up to chongyuns room like children.

"So, do you know where your next concerts gonna be?" Xingqiu smiled and fell onto chongyuns bed, "hm.. I think it's like 1 hour away from here! We're actually going tommorow, I assume that you'll be coming?" Chongyun sat next to him.

Xingqiu excitedly looked at him "yeah! Of course I'll go! I wonder if xiang can go.." he tapped his chin and sighed "so do I just stay back stage?" He leaned on his hands. "Oh, well I'm sure it'll be fine if you do whatever you want! I wouldn't mind" chongyun shrugged and pulled his hood over his head.

Xingqiu tapped the duvet "oh! I know, I'll be the bouncer!" Xingqiu crossed his arms "you..? Xing, don't get me wrong, I love you but your not the most intimidating" chongyun giggled.

Xingqiu gasped "how dare you? I'm offended and want to break up with you now." He lay his face down on the duvet and fake sobbed "nooo! I'm sorry!!" Chongyun lifted his head up and kissed his forehead

"Okay your forgiven for now" xingqiu smiled and rolled over, facing the ceiling. He sighed and sat up "what should I wear?" He crossed his legs. Chongyun smiled, "you can wear some of my clothes, I'm sure I'll have spares" chongyun stood up and checked his wardrobe.

Xingqiu blushed, "ah! Here, wear this. It's basically what I wear to fancy events and stuff, it's nice though! Uh.. I think you'd like it" chongyun smiled and handed xingqiu some clothes "oh! I actually really like these.. I've seen you wearing it on the news- but ill try it on now" he happily rushed into the bathroom.

Chongyun checked his phone.

Hutao made group chat 'the gays'
Hutao added, chongyun, xingqiu, kaz, xiangling the epic gamer, yans, ganyu and barbs

Hey gay people

Make me mod for a second? :3

Barbs was made mod by Hutao
Barbs added xinyan!!

What's this?

I'm not gay

Yes you are

Did you mean to add me?
Sorry I'm not that popular

Ye I did

Hutao what the fuck

Xiangling the epic gamer:


Oh god there's two of them

I'm scared

This is so cool

Can I add someone?


Ganyu was made mod by Hutao
Ganyu added keyring

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