PROLOGUE - Jungle - Garden!

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(Mature Language 18+)

Leonardo Li Fonti (26), the heir to the Li Fonti family, lost his mother when he was 12 years old. Losing his mother at such a young age, he was left all alone, upset and cold. His mother was the reason behind his smile every day. It was not that he didn't have a father; of course he did, but that was just for the name sake.

Coming from a 'mafia' family and growing up with the dangers it got under its sleeves; it wasn't long before he figured that his mother's death was the obvious result of this cruel life.

Elmo, his father, was a synonym of psychopath. Even though he never loved him the way he deserved but he trained him good enough to stand up well in this mafia life saying that one day his son has to take after him and become the Capo of their gang, 'Golden Dragons'. Isn't it?

Now, Leonardo, unlike his father was not someone who loved killing or troubling people just for the sake of some flashy green notes. He was like a fish out of pond in this cruel life. And this was what irked Elmo to no end.

For sure the word 'mafia' brings in a lot of money at your feet but that's just one side of the coin. The second side is obviously the negatives, threats and the after effects of this life.

So the question is will Leonardo choose 'this' life where there is only darkness and no conscience; a life that gains power just by spilling other's blood for no reason?! Will he leave everything back and start a new life or will he accept the life that he was never fond of; a life that he hated more than anything?

OR will he bring in a whole new meaning to the word 'mafia' and rule like the lion he is? Will he become the king of this jungle?

Isabella Bianchi (20); a synonym of sassy, cute, smart and hot temper; is a florist and owns a small stall in one of the busiest streets of the city. She lost her family in a tragic accident when she was 2 years old. Her grandmother took her back with her and raised her with great love and care.

Ever since she was a little girl, she was growing a lot of flowers with her grandmother in their home garden. Life was going easy until her grandmother passed away when Bella was 18. Like they say, all good things do come to an end.

Not knowing how to cope up with this loss and with no idea what to do with her life, she spent her days and nights in the home garden, trying to feel closer to her grandmother. And in no time, she had no idea how this little garden turned into a bread earner for her.

Those flowers and plants meant everything to her. She spent hours together talking to them. After all they were her family, friends and her life. They brought great peace to her.

Now like every other girl, even she was waiting for that special someone who would bright up her life and complete her.

So, what do you think will happen next? How will these two from two different worlds meet? Will flowers bloom in the jungle? Are Leonardo and Isabella meant to be with each other?

How did the gang 'Black Lions' come into existence?? Will there really be a new meaning to the word 'mafia' in this world? Will good win against evil?

Wanna know the answers to these questions? Then come along with me to catch the tale of Leonardo and Isabella. A tale that will talk about the true meaning of love, soul mates, generosity, care and 'mafia'! A tale that gave birth to 'Black Lions'!

 A tale that will talk about the true meaning of love, soul mates, generosity, care and 'mafia'! A tale that gave birth to 'Black Lions'!

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So, how was the prologue? I know it is a short one. But I hope you all enjoyed it. I will start the updates from 7th March 2022. Thank you so much for your votes and comments!

Much Love,

Manasa DVLK!!

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